Hi there,
I am sorry if I am posting this in the wrong section of this website.
I would like to know whether there is any way to undo the consequences of the quest "Retaking Thirsk" in the Dragonborn-DLC, in order to side with the Rieklings and complete "The Chief o Thirsk Hall" instead? I would like to do this, because the Rieklings and their quests are on the one hand much more entertaining and on the other hand because the outcome and reward of this quest is much better than the alternative, since it is the only way to be able to recruit Riekling-followers, which are great for obvious reasons and one of the best additions of this DLC. The Nords on the other hand are absolutely boring, feature an unique weapon, which can neither be used nor acquired and basically all outcomes are bad in one way or another, resulting in barely any gain from doing this quest and sacrificing your chance to get a Riekling-follower, for a generic group of Nords in a Mead Hall, which you can see everywhere in Skyrim anyway.
I ended up with siding with the Nords, because I had no idea that I even had an alternative. When I met "Bujold the Unworthy" for the first time, she was only a few meters away from the Riekling that usually invites you in, and asked me to help them defeat the Rieklings, which have been exclusively hostile until then and purposely portrayed as cruel and savage creatures, since you only encounter the wild ones, which basically always try to ambush or kill you. I didn't see any reason to deny her request, since this looked just like one of countless generic quests in Skyrim, during which you have to kill some creatures. The Riekling never had a chance to approach me and turned obviously instantly hostile after being attacked, I didn't even had a chance to notice that it was neutral, since denying a quest request in order to check whether these otherwise exclusively hostile creatures are really hostile in this case as well is a kind of stupid thing to do as a sneaky character, since it just notifies the enemy of your presence in a vast majority of cases.
I can't reload a previous savegame and already cleared the Mead Hall, which is occupied by the Nord now, while Bujold waits for me at the unique weapon, which isn't an actual weapon in this game but a prop instead, in order to initiate one of the four equally boring and stupid outcomes for this quest.
I would like to undo my progress in this quest, in order to do the alternative one for the Rieklings. In order to do stat I would have to reset the quest with setstage etc., somehow undo the consequences it caused for the Mead Hall, which has a different interior now, revive the Rieklings, their Chief in specific, which is impossible since the corpses are gone, so I would probably have to spawn new ones in and make the game consider them as alive, peaceful and willing to give me their quest. I am basically trying to undo everything since I failed to deny Bujold's request by any means, because it seriously annoys me that I am being denied access to Riekling-followers, because I was never informed about an alternative.
Thank you in advance.