Looking for anybody on the Xbox version that has a mic and a personality that wants to talk about Skyrim and compare gear. Always been fun to do in the past just looking for more people.
Looking for anybody on the Xbox version that has a mic and a personality that wants to talk about Skyrim and compare gear. Always been fun to do in the past just looking for more people.
Later Simon
XBL GT- Nitro Psycho just send a chat invite.
Sounds like an interesting idea. My GT is Nemesis Hybrid.
Not to be a party-pooper, but half the fun for me is immersing myself in the TES worlds...
...would running a Xbox live party not ruin the immersion for you guys? I couldn't think of anything worse!
This is true, but still, it might be nice to talk to other TES fans as I know none locally :sadvaultboy: although at times I may opt out of joining the party if I'm doing a big plot quest or something..
Ill invite everyone tonight when I get in from work guys Jw what time zone are people in?
I'll be adding you here in a bit, Jixui. I'm in the EST timezone, by the way. A party would be quite fun! I'll be testing out my new character today, though. Recently made here early this morning, she's going to be a Paladin!
I'll be adding you here in a bit, Jixui. I'm in the EST timezone, by the way. A party would be quite fun! I'll be testing out my new character today, though. Recently made here early this morning, she's going to be a Paladin!
Work has gotten in the way of my daily skyrim fix ill be on around 10gtm