Second, after screwing around with it for hours trying to make a face, I finally DLed the Face Gen demo program and read in some photos. I got the Face Gen values and I am now entering them in CS, but as I do that, the previous values keep changing! I've tried the "clamp values" button, but the way it works is not very intuitive. In fact, I am still not sure of the quirks... do you enter a value in the box, then click "clamp" to set it, then move to the next value? It seems no matter what I do, the previous values change ever so slightly... This seems like a very tedious process...
Any experts on FaceGen (for the CS) out there with any good tips? Is there any particular order I should paste the values in so that they don't change as much or any other method of doing it that works better?
Is there a work around the CS clunkyness? Something to import facegen files into an esp file or something like that?
Well, I'll be up late trudging along with CS textboxes... :banghead: If anyone has any suggestions...