Okay, this game, still manages to suprise me literally every time I give it a
Myself, Lydia and Meeko were travelling over a mountain, it was a difficult
place to navagate put piercing through the mountain really felt as if I'd found
something no one else had - bellow, coming out onto a secluded lonley portion
of the Whitrun tundra we came upon a woman just standing by a fallen steel
sword and steel mace { like there was a fight at some point here}.
I approached her thinking it she would be identified by "farmer" or something like
that. NO, she is named "Mad Woman" - what the hell is going on I thought. I have NEVER
came across her yet at all and I've been playing since 11-11-11.
Has any one here heard of her, seen this woman before!!!!??
to me it's very strange and fascinating. Any info on this lady??
When I tried to talk to her she just says something to the effect of "by Shor what do you
want". However, if she is a named character she must turn up officially somewhere.
This game is great. Nearly two years and every night I always get some kind of WOW moment.