I always hated the hunting rifle in FO3 because of how ugly it was, then in NV I still never picked it up, thinking it'd be the same, but it's actually not that bad all modded up. Yes, I'm one of those who won't use a weapon, or armor, because of how it looks or sounds.
Some of the weapons I won't use are LAER, laser pistol, laser rifle, 10mm pistol, combat shotgun (actually, is that even in New Vegas?), service rifle, assault rifles, most melee weapons except knives. Although I don't like running in 3rd person while I have throwing knives out.
That looks silly, IMO.
As much as I like the elite riot gear I won't wear it as it's ugly. If the green parts matched the rest of the outfit then I might. I used to wear it always, until I went into third person on a rare occasion and saw how dikey it looked. Once I got back to the Mojave I changed back into my (modded) Stealth Suit with AMR and Christine's COS Sniper Rifle.
Even though they're impractical for my guy I also like Red Glare and FIDO, because they look and sound cool