Fallout 4 has me completely in its spell since day one of release so am fortunate enough that i did not have to disconnect to possibly enjoy it later. I understand where you are coming from though. The pre release hype, the intense energy of when Fallout 4 is finally out, the hateful deceitful trolls, the fanatical fans, personal hopes intermingling with the results of the actual product. It all can take away from enjoying the game until things calm down and one can see things as they truly are.
I probably had 15+ Skyrim characters. One of the greatest games ever.
hehe..i installed new vegas on my laptop last year..played it for a while until fallout 4 came out..I've forgotten all about new vegas now it seems
I just picked up NV for $5...gonna give that a go when FO4 wears off, but that hasn't happened yet.
FO4 is much more dense than FO3 or FONV. You don't have to go very far before you find a place or a person or thing (could have said "noun" but didn't seem to be good enough ).
I remember in FONV giant tracts of nothing with a few rad scorpions in it. FO4 is so much more rich in content and variety. I imagine going back now and playing FONV again, I will probably feel very lonely there.
And to your original Question OP... Yes, I think that coming back to it fresh will make it come alive again. For fun, leave Preston in the Museum and the game plays completely different, imo.
Yeah I'm already doing that myself, I made one file that I used a guide to get the Platinum on, currently i'm in the middle of setting up for a 2nd+ playthroughs by making a base file that has a crap-load of perk points undistributed by power leveling without leaving Sanctuary. then I'm gonna just play it with no restrictions or guides from there.
This is so true. I left him screaming on the balcony for help. Haven't seen that [censored] face in over 100 hours....wonder what him and the raiders are up to.
Anyway, OT: Fresh starts in any game tend to be fun for me, so yea, I've done that original idea you posted, OP.
When I get bored of it I'll take a break, usually coming back when I get inspired for a character build. I usually go for themes.
First guy is full Brotherhood. Big guns, power armor perks, he pretty much lives in the suit.
Second guy is Grognak. Got the costume, the axe, VATS melee everything into a red paste, then eat their remains!
Third guy is Kellogs replacment. All crit and VATS focused with the revolver. The Institute(aka console commands) was kind enough to teleport him a VATS enhanced revolver and ammo when he left the vault.
I just try to play the game in a way I had not previously.