Anybody not buying it? And...

Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:21 am

Even people who don't like elderscrolls would probably pick it just because of werewolves. If they had them in right now, not announcing it would be a very stupid business move. I would pre order it immidiatly if they had the werewolves.

Like I just got done saying, they have a set time line for everything, just like any other developer. They can not announce everything at once. They simply have not said yes or no. PATIENCE IS KEY. Wait and see. Just like we haven't seen the PC specs yet. It is being heavily hinted at. They seem to be keeping mum on it right now.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:13 pm

I don't like Gears of Snore. I will admit that the single player is always fun once through but I hate how competitive the multiplayer is. I am tired of MP right now. Too much CoD ruined it for me. Gears of War will always earn high scores, same with CoD.. but that doesn't mean it's the best game out there nor does it mean it is actually good. They really have not been doing anything revolutionary with the series whereas with TES they always try to reinvent the franchise and Skyrim is a HUGE reinvention from previous titles. I personally think you are making a bad decision.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:50 am

Even people who don't like elderscrolls would probably pick it just because of werewolves. If they had them in right now, not announcing it would be a very stupid business move. I would pre order it immidiatly if they had the werewolves.

What's up with all the people demanding werewolves? I mean how come werewolves are so popular all of a sudden?
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:28 pm

Well, the visuals are utterly hideous, not even in an appealing way, more like a "God, this is ugly" way. The gameplay is really sluggish and painfully boring. All of the characters sound like they snorted glass. The story is nauseatingly melodramatic.

I think your a little overly opinionated for your own good. You are wrong over course, Gears of war 3 graphically is a very good looking game, just because you dislike the artstyle doesnt mean its how you say. Opinions are subjective, but in this case yours is plain wrong.

I don't know why you bothered too post at all. I swear forums are full of people who all have cruddy days and cant wait to down on the first thing they dont like.
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:36 pm

Werewolves svck. Death to the smelly beasts.

On topic Skyrim is far better than DS and Battlefield.
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:23 pm

Your money, your life man. Good choice of games though.
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evelina c
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:39 am

whats the point of this thread?

just telling u tc

complaining the game wont do u anything and the old tes wont come back anymore,now all games are evolving in casual way and we as old gamers need to deal with it
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:51 pm

It got a 9/10, is the last game in the gears saga, has alot of cool features like the beast mode, and is a blast to play with your friends. Whats wrong with gears?

You would pick a game that lasts 10 hours maybe over a game that lasts 300+ and the fact that you said Skyrim will be too similar to Oblivion to make buying it worthwhile. Is Gears 3 really that different to Gears 2 or 1
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:57 pm

I think your a little overly opinionated for your own good. You are wrong over course, Gears of war 3 graphically is a very good looking game, just because you dislike the artstyle doesnt mean its how you say. Opinions are subjective, but in this case yours is plain wrong.

I don't know why you bothered too post at all. I swear forums are full of people who all have cruddy days and cant wait to down on the first thing they dont like.

Well I hate to rush to the defense of a frowny mcsadface but you are posting in a Skyrim forum about how you got certain games other than Skyrim for the reason of Skyrim seems to be too like Oblivion? Gears of War 3 is quite like it's predecessors. The levels have the same design where you go through hordes of enemies waves at a time and then maybe have to solve a short puzzle then more enemies and level end cutscene.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:34 pm

Your not getting skyrim cause you think its going to be similar to oblivion, yet you bought gears of war 3 even though its extremely similar to the other past 2 games and not only that but your buying dark souls that plays exactly like demon's souls. :violin:

I'm sorry, but your logic here is flawed, if you didn't enjoy oblivion then this thread would have made more sense, but that isn't the case now is it?

Whos logic is flawed? I have seen enough of Skyrim too know with my own eyes the combat is similar, and the combat in Oblivion svcked. I know I don't like the design changes. And I know its missing things that I hoped would be in the game.

As too your comments, you probably havnt't played gears 3, dark souls, or skyrim. If you did your homework you would know Dark souls is actually much different from the previous game. And you making a statement based on your opinion is pretty flawed itself.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:23 am

Even people who don't like elderscrolls would probably pick it just because of werewolves. If they had them in right now, not announcing it would be a very stupid business move. I would pre order it immidiatly if they had the werewolves.

Vampires are more popular than Werewolves are, and I don;t see the run-of-the-mill Twilight fan racing to pre-order since they were announced.
Maybe its because;

1. Being a werewolf or vampire is a small roleplaying facet compared to such a huge world inhabited by Dragons and a myriad of Factions. It's just another option to the already innumerable options of character customization. Not a big deal.
2. The game designers read our threads here. They are probably very aware that Werewolves are much more wanted than vampires. They would probably keep it a surprise.
3. This is kind of irrelevant, but Werewolves are said to make SKyrim their homeland.

I'm just discouraged they're hasn't been an announcement yet. Which either means they're keeping it a surprise, or they don't want to disappoint fans prematurely.
Its also discouraging that no one ran into a werewolf in any demo.
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:41 pm

It's my humble pie opinion that people here are being to negative of this guy's choice. So he likes Gears more than TES. So what?

There are also people who don't like video games in general. It's a big world out there. Honestly, post one thing that isn't prasing SK and people come out the woodwork just to slam you. And yet - those are the "possitive" people. Holy hypocrites batman.

Anyway, OP. You should know better than to post this here. It's the SK forum, people are gonna insult the stuff you like if you set yourself up so easily. Even though you said you would eventually get it...people here tend to kneejerk far to quickly. Don't let it bug you. I've played a little Gears and I had a pretty fun time, though I didn't really know what I was doing.
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:38 pm

you say skyrims the same as oblivion yet you got gears? i dont follow iv seen gears iv played the beta its the same as the first 2
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:01 am

Nope. Nobody else isn't buying Skyrim.

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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:25 am

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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:31 pm

On topic: Not getting Skyrim because its to similiar to the previus TES-games? For me Gears 3 would be more similiar to its predecessors than skyrim, hokerr ;>

Off topic: Why does so many want werewolves in the game? so you can Rp your own little twilight saga? *shivers*
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:14 am

Skyrim is going to be fkin amazing!

What I think is that your crazy! And you should play the game before you judge it!
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:49 am

Well I hate to rush to the defense of a frowny mcsadface but you are posting in a Skyrim forum about how you got certain games other than Skyrim for the reason of Skyrim seems to be too like Oblivion? Gears of War 3 is quite like it's predecessors. The levels have the same design where you go through hordes of enemies waves at a time and then maybe have to solve a short puzzle then more enemies and level end cutscene.

Much is similar but there are many new things too. Its a game I play for enjoyment, not to play for hours and hours. Some people play a game to death and then some. I'm 22 years old, I like going out to clubs, occasional travelinng (going to qlimax 2011 this year), and 900+ hours of 1 game isnt appealing too me. I really wish people wouldnt see this as a threat to their game, and more as just my opinion. People are really defensive here and for really, no reason. I am not downing their game.
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:34 pm

Oh, okay. Well, hey, thanks for sharing with us your refreshingly delightful resolve as to why you're not buying Skyrim. Haha, wow, really made my day! Anyway, good luck with that list of crappy video games that you're so eager to compare Skyrim with, and don't let the door hit ya on the way out! Nice knowin' ya. Here's some ice-cream for the sad road you'll be traveling this holiday season, just for you! :icecream:
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:02 pm

'eh, buying Gears over Skyrim isn't a big deal. Some people really like shooters more than RPGs.

I miss good shooters, I bought Duke Nukem Forever hoping for a decent nostalgia fix of Duke Nukem 3D. In the end I got alien [censored], a meme shouting Duke with eternal load times. >_< DUKE NUKE QUOTES RADICAL THINGS LIKE ARMY OF DARKNESS AND THEY LIVE! NOT LAME INTERNET MEMES! (yeah, off subject, but I like to rant about my hatred for that game)

Back on subject, if you don't want to spend the money now you can wait for it to go down in price, or get the GOTY Edition later for cheaper. Video games are not worth stretching your money too far, because they'll almost always be there for years and years.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:20 pm

Whos logic is flawed? I have seen enough of Skyrim too know with my own eyes the combat is similar, and the combat in Oblivion svcked. I know I don't like the design changes. And I know its missing things that I hoped would be in the game.

As too your comments, you probably havnt't played gears 3, dark souls, or skyrim. If you did your homework you would know Dark souls is actually much different from the previous game. And you making a statement based on your opinion is pretty flawed itself.

I played Gears. I love the series but I gotta say man you are completely wrong. Skyrim is NOT the same and basing that on the aspect of combat alone is proof you haven;t even tried to give it a chance. Gears of war is pretty much the same game but at least it's more imaginative than CoD games where the only changes are "In this CoD game you get the Mini Uzi instead of the Uzi. That's so cool bro." but still comparing that to Skyrim is foolish. Skyrim has 300+ hours of entertainment and an entire game world for you to explore Gears has at most 12 hours of single player and maybe50 hours of multiplayer before it gets repetitive. That is if it were feasible to compare the two at all. Which it isn't.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:10 am

It's my humble pie opinion that people here are being to negative of this guy's choice. So he likes Gears more than TES. So what?

There are also people who don't like video games in general. It's a big world out there. Honestly, post one thing that isn't prasing SK and people come out the woodwork just to slam you. And yet - those are the "possitive" people. Holy hypocrites batman.

Anyway, OP. You should know better than to post this here. It's the SK forum, people are gonna insult the stuff you like if you set yourself up so easily. Even though you said you would eventually get it...people here tend to kneejerk far to quickly. Don't let it bug you. I've played a little Gears and I had a pretty fun time, though I didn't really know what I was doing.

I know and realize that, people always gonna be mad when it seems like their hobby or w/e is threatened. But thanks for the comment. I dont wanna flame just stated my opinion.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:59 am

Whos logic is flawed? I have seen enough of Skyrim too know with my own eyes the combat is similar, and the combat in Oblivion svcked. I know I don't like the design changes. And I know its missing things that I hoped would be in the game.

As too your comments, you probably havnt't played gears 3, dark souls, or skyrim. If you did your homework you would know Dark souls is actually much different from the previous game. And you making a statement based on your opinion is pretty flawed itself.

I've played gears of war 3, and currently own dark souls. Dark souls is an amazing game with great atmosphere and combat highly similar to demon's souls. The only change is the magic system and the way the game manages weight.

Gears of war 3 is just like the other games but with a more developed story and prettier graphics(dont care about the multiplayer) Dark souls borrows demon's souls combat while still remaining fresh through its unique world & monsters.

Skyrim i have not played but if you could give those games a chance while knowing what they already were, why not give skyrim a chance? People have already said that the combat is a huge improvement over the previous elder scrolls games and i think i've looked through pretty much 90% of the info out there to get a valid point across.

Whatever though, its your world, not mine.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:30 am

Much is similar but there are many new things too. Its a game I play for enjoyment, not to play for hours and hours. Some people play a game to death and then some. I'm 22 years old, I like going out to clubs, occasional travelinng (going to qlimax 2011 this year), and 900+ hours of 1 game isnt appealing too me. I really wish people wouldnt see this as a threat to their game, and more as just my opinion. People are really defensive here and for really, no reason. I am not downing their game.

It's okay I am not bashing your choice in game it's your money afterall, you spend it on what you want. It's just the reasons you gave for now wanting Skyrim are the same as why many people wouldn't get Gears 3.

There is plenty of new stuff in Skyrim that wasn't in Oblivion. Perks, Smithing, Radiant Story, Unique Dungeons, Dual Weild Spells and Weapons, Higher Variety of Armour etc

Werewolves also may very well be in the game there is no news to suggest otherwise. In fact Bethesda have been so quick to confirm other things aren't in the game such as locational damage when asked, that the fact they are leaving the werewolf topic open is pretty good news for an optimist like me
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:45 am

Oh, okay. Well, hey, thanks for sharing with us your refreshingly delightful resolve as to why you're not buying Skyrim. Haha, wow, really made my day! Anyway, good luck with that list of crappy video games that you're so eager to compare Skyrim with, and don't let the door hit ya on the way out! Nice knowin' ya. Here's some ice-cream for the sad road you'll be traveling this holiday season, just for you! :icecream:

The only person on the sad road so far is you, with a comment like that. And I'm pretty everyone here with half a brain would agree.
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