Have both arms modified with Stabilized, and Sniper perk maxed. Agility and Perception are both over 10 if that matters.
Kneeling, and using .50 sniper with marksman stock, or combat rifle sniper with either marksman or recoil stock - I still have a small amount of sway when viewing through scope. Pistol 10mm scope have bit more sway. Neither are huge, default sway but still hardly sniper quality control.
The odd thing is when I had only 1 point into Sniper, the sway was almost eliminated. But when I added to 3 points, my small sway was back. I can replicate this by using console command to take away 2 points and go back to 1 point only into Sniper. That seems to give me that 1st level buff of more scope control, but when more points are added back on - the sway comes back.
Seems like that first perk is bugged in that it is not additive to later upgrades.
But either way - has anyone found way to completely zero out scope sway when kneeling using rifles or pistols with scopes?