Is anyone actually going the "jack-of-all-trades" ro

Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:18 am

I just can't see someone actually surviving too long as the jack. I tried once in Fallout:NV, but that definitely did not work.
Who is trying to be decent at everything, but great at nothing?
If not, how many (and what) skills do you plan on mastering?
I plan on going the barbaric route (one hand, light armor, restoration, smithing, and maybe block)

It's a good way to get your ass kicked in the game.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:52 pm

I'm hoping that a "jack-of-all-trades" character will be exceedingly difficult or impossible to play. Because, in my opinion, role play games should involve choices that matter. If you can't make a choice on your character, you should have a very, very difficult time. Again, in my opinion.

You have plenty of choices in an open world game that allows but does not force a jack of all trades. In oblivion I chose to play a pure mage on my last character, I chose not level any skills outside of magic outside of incidental amounts like the occasional acrobatics bump when I jumped, or blocking when I blocked. This choice had consequences. If I had chosen to level everything it would of had consequences as well like the game becoming to easy. It seems to me what people really are against are too many choices, and a wide range of consequences.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:01 am

I can see that. I already see it as pretty difficult because a lot of the skills and perks correlate. Impossible? It might lean that way, but battlemages and nightblades did all right in the past. (What's the word for a warrior/thief?)

Whoa, but if it was a warrior/thief/mage type thing. Trying damndest to cover all three .... That does sound implausible, especially if I wanted high-end lategame abilities. I may detract my last statement, haha :)
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:19 pm

I can see that. I already see it as pretty difficult because a lot of the skills and perks correlate. Impossible? It might lean that way, but battlemages and nightblades did all right in the past. (What's the word for a warrior/thief?)

Whoa, but if it was a warrior/thief/mage type thing. Trying damndest to cover all three .... That does sound implausible, especially if I wanted high-end lategame abilities. I may detract my last statement, haha :)

Best I can come up with for warrior/thief is assassin.
I have managed to comfortably use all 3 forms of combat in oblivion straight from the start, but it sounds unnecessary in Skyrim, and rather difficult. If I wanted that, I would have to pick 3 primarily combat oriented styles, or ones that pair together easily, like 1h and conjuration with sneak and/or alchemy. All the same, the new system promotes specialization, so I probably wont try one out until I'm comfortable enough with the game (and dodging) to avoid dying. I am interested in trying out a khajiit unarmed specialist, even with hand-to-hand is removed, there is equipment that enhances its abilities, and khajiit are naturally better with it.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:54 am

I can see that. I already see it as pretty difficult because a lot of the skills and perks correlate. Impossible? It might lean that way, but battlemages and nightblades did all right in the past. (What's the word for a warrior/thief?)

Whoa, but if it was a warrior/thief/mage type thing. Trying damndest to cover all three .... That does sound implausible, especially if I wanted high-end lategame abilities. I may detract my last statement, haha :)

Hell just thieves are going to be hard to cover IMO. MY pure mage looks easy by comparison. But my normal thied given the skills shown would be skilled in
one handed
light armor
pick lock
pick pocket

That is basically a thief with the ability to attack at range and in melee. Not exactly a huge broad scoping concept IMO, but with perks being in trees you can't just cherry pick what you want so I just don't see 50 doing it. So you end up jaco of all tradesing it just to get enough perks to fit your concept, and I'm not even talking about taking all the perks in these trees, just enough to be good as some, while mastering others.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:53 am

The first character I play I will be using a little of destruction, one and two handed, and archery. Just to get a feel for them and figure out what I would really like for my later characters. I will by no means ever be a JOAT. Kinda takes the fun out of the game if you ask me.... ;) besides, having multiple characters that specialize in one thing increases playtime/replaybility ten-fold. Well at least for me..
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:02 am

Oh lol checkmate. Forgot that there were eight skills per archetype. I've been overlooking how important specializing will be; even with within archetypes, there would have to exist several types of warriors, mages, or thieves.

At the very least, I did not mean to create a min-maxing munchkin 100-all-skills godmode. Kudos to the devs for reducing that aspect. Just, I didn't realize how poor mixing-and-matching might actually turn out to be. Whoah.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:35 pm

The original saying was "Jack of all trades master of one" meaning that one should master a particular trade, but knowing a little in other areas makes you greater skilled and more diverse.

I stand by that ideology
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:38 am

I plan to get every skill to 100.

So I guess I'll be king of all trades and the ace of few (the ones I put the majority of my perk points into).
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