Keep in mind that you don't get tired of things that you expect to happen. If you walk up to a doorway you expect to open it before entering, so it wouldn't be that boring to do it every time as it would be natural to open the door. You can only become tired of actions that are unnecessary that you have learned to expect, like some sort of war-cry before every battle or perhaps a finisher animation? after every kill...
Exactly. It's not like when you see someone you want to attack that you're whining, "Oh my, I have to walk all the way over there to hit him with my sword. After 500 times of this I'm going to stab my eyeballs!!"
You have to walk. You have to grab door-knobs to open doors! haha
I allways like the seamless transition. In a time were more and more games are forcing "immerison" via short and repetive cut scenes. Its a forced way for devolpers to say "Hey gamer look at these pretty graphics! We spent 2 months on this nice feature...oh and by the way we cut out some stuff." I know what you want, but on our generation of consoles, we would lose some content for a tiny thing most people dident give a [censored] about.
I'm not suggesting cut-scenes. I'm suggesting real-time, in-game animations.