If anyone here is willing, there are a couple of things i'd like to ask:
- Assuming one has topped an ability line for a class all the way to the end, can one then re-spec and afterwards proceed in putting skill points -only- in the last line of that same tree, forgoing all the previous ones? Example being a sorcerer with a topped Dark Magic line respeccing and then spending only -one- skill point to get Daedric Mines.
- (Dragonknight specific) Does Forward Momentum from Two-Handed stack when used together with Molten Weapon (Earthen Heart)? The answer is self evident, but suffice it to say it wouldn't be the first time logic and MMOs did not go hand in hand..if anyone here has actually tried it, could you let me know please?
- Regarding skills allocation and crafting, looking at the skill tiers i noticed that excluding the first line in all pprofessions, (use x/9 tier mats), the following ones are ease-of-use/convenience ones, rather than anything downright essential; ie for someone having the time and patience, it appears as if 9 skills points to top that first tier is all that's necessary in order to craft anything, late game items/improvements included. Is there something here i am missing? Or is there perhaps some other, extra pool within crafting (-not- gathering) one could use skill points in that i've overlooked? Just need to be sure if i got things right. Again, i understand why someone would want an extra chance of success for example, what i am asking is in regards to necessity, for example whether anything top quality related is linked to anything other than that first line concerning mat tiers.
My thanks in advance for your time