Anyone else feel like they collect TOO much junk?

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:58 pm

I know what you're thinking, cmon theres no such thing!

Not sure if this is an issue with anyone else but it seems to be a case of my OCD kicking in overtime. Basically, lets just say I loot everything everywhere I go. And I do mean EVERYTHING. It probably stems from my OCD of 100%ing games, because I feel like everywhere I go I MUST find all magazines, bobbleheads, mini nukes, heck even fusion cores I consider collectibles. That combined with the fact that you can essentially totally miss certain items and not be able to get them again (like the USS constitution, you who have done the quest know what happens at the end.)

This sort of thing just creates a terrible concoction of my OCD. Im not the type to say "oh well guess I gotta play through the game again." Ive literally completely dropped games ive wanted to 100% before if I missed something (especially if its just one or two things) having to do with the 100% and I cant go back and get it. Like really, now I gotta put in another few dozen hours just to get back to that point again?

So you can see that through all my insane obsessive searching, I essentially pick up every piece of junk that Bethesda has decided to lay out. As of right now almost no resource at home is less than 1000 lol.. and im talking about Adhesive/Aluminum/Nuclear Material too. Steel/wood/cloth is somewhere in the quintuple digits.

Watch me play this game, it will literally take me at least an hour to get through a decently sized building.. and dont even get me started on places like Trinity Tower.

Now I know what most of you will say: "Well just go through the game at your own pace, play the game the way you want to play it and thats all that matters."

Only problem is im trying to start uploading my playthroughs to youtube or stream them. Anyone who watches me complains that its incredibly boring to watch me search every single nook and cranny. Thats pretty much the top complaint I get from friends too haha.

Well thats it, just a random rant.. wanted to see if anyone else out there suffers from this severe form of OCD when it comes to 100%. Anyone else out there have people watch them who complain they take way too long to make it through an area?

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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:16 pm

I got it bad back in FO3, and thought I hit a peak in FO4, I'm dumping weapons to carry junk...I no longer head off to the weapon and armour shops to see what's on offer, instead, I'm buying corn and clutter at the bars and junkshops. I'm soooo tempted to teach my real life OCD hoarder partner to play my character while I'm at work...but she's also a decorater, so she'd probably ruin my minimalist shackmansion ambience :(

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Kate Schofield
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:06 am

I do feel that the amount of junk, now "useful junk" according to Bethesda, has been toned down from previous games, which is good.

There's the question of what's realistic - how much intact stuff really should be lying around (which I think we can just put that aside as a whole separate argument) - and instead ask the question of what's reasonable from a gameplay perspective - and I feel that Fallout 4 is much more gameplay-reasonable than Fallout 3 was.
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:29 am

This is the first game you can say that junk is the most prized possession.

You go to a trader.

Trader: I have this new Laser Rifle and it can be yours for 5000 caps.

Player: Not interested do you have a Desk Fans, Clipboards, Hot Plates, etc. (Anything with screws, circuits, oil, and other useful components)

Trader: Yes I do

Player: I take them all for the cost of these Pipe Pistols, and other Weapons and Armor not being used or the components not needed. (Usually Legendary items that I do not use)

Trader: Great more Pipe Pistols, I guess I can find a place to sell them (Thinks to himself the Jet Heads will buy them, wait a minute this Pipe Pistol was just sold to one of them a week ago.)

Player: Thanks and have a wonderful day

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:12 pm

I got the OCD thing too but it does create a challenge in this game mainly because there are so many different combos of armor and guns. I am very much hoping for some mods to help "bulk scrap" inventory. I'm trying to setuup for that and have containers for all the legendary and other special things and then just dump all else into the workbench.

On the positive note, Bethesda definitely fixed the inventory problems from prior games. Those would crash and slow up if your inventory was too large.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:37 pm

Can . . . never . . . have . . . too . . . much . . . junk . . .

Twitches, and passes out.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:56 am

Weapons are just deadweight. 10 pounds for maybe 150 caps, before merchant skill cuts the cost? Ammo is weightless. Brass gold is where it's at :P

Perhaps that's a major reason why caps are so plentiful and junk is so easy to hoard: so long as you can carry 10 mini nukes, 1200 .308 rounds, 1345 shotgun shells, 2500 10mm rounds, 860 .50 rounds, 3890 .38 rounds, and on and on, no point carrying anything else but primary weapons and junk. No point purchasing anything but rare ammo and more junk, too.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:09 am

I'm addicted to collecting junk, I even know what a particular junk item contains now without looking at the description. What's good for screws, copper, acid, gears, circuitry etc etc. I'm so glad that useless items now have a reason for being. Makes everything that little more interesting.

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Ria dell
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:28 am

I don't know...

Is 3418 lbs of "junk" too much?

Thank Beth for the Strong Back perks.
I tend to completely empty out anyplace I am sent for a mission.
Sometimes I can have over 150 pipe-pistols/rifles from just one little side mission.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:17 pm

Kinda. I'd collect MORE, but I keep too many weapons on-hand. Between a single vault suit, a lightweight set of combat armor, and all the guns I tote around, I'm typically sitting on 190-ish pounds already. If I go heavy weapons, it's 240-290 depending. So I don't keep nearly enough room for junk.

Believe me, I fill my pockets at every opportunity and dump them in the nearest work bench. No desk fan is safe from me...

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:41 pm

No no no no no!

not at all!


*pockets clunk with about 20 tin cans and 81 aluminum trays*

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:52 am

LOL ..... in a word YES I consider myself lucky if me & my companion complete a single mission without having to stop & fast travel back to the barn to empty our pockets

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Claire Lynham
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:56 pm

I've got to the point where on the first pass in a location I don't collect ANYTHING but ammo and money.

After I have all the bad guys cleared out, then I'll load up and load up Codsworth ( hmmm who can carry the most? ) and fast travel to home base.

I got sick and tired of having to fast travel every 20 minutes or less.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:31 am

When I'm in the middle of a heavy fire fight with super mutants/raiders etc, I still find time to collect an oscillating fan in the middle of the carnage that's taking place :P I like to multitask.

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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:09 am

Collecting absolutely everything in the environment is crazy (and super-unnecessary), but I still collect tons of stuff. Once you play long enough, you get a running knowledge of what you need (I'm perpetually out of copper and oil, for example), and which items have those materials.

As a result, I will always pick up pipe rifles (not pistols), hot plates, and cooking pots, because I know they all have copper. I will also always pick up more "complex" items like microscopes, because they have a good mix of more advanced components.

Can also never get enough aluminum cans. And I also still pick up adhesive out of habit, despite having several hundred adhesive from farming vegetable starch at my main settlement.

But stuff that just returns some steel, or wood? Nah. I also don't bother picking up unmodded laser weapons, because I know they just return junk components like plastic.

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