"Some time in the early Fourth Era, when the Third Empire had dissolved and all Tamriel was in chaos, Titus Mede captured the city with a mere 1000 men and crowned himself the first Emperor of a new dynasty."
With 1,000 men, he could take over all of Skyrim, and its hordes of NPC's...

As an aside I will mention, for what it's worth, that thanks to the glory of PC mods my avatar actually witnessed the confrontation in which then General Mede defeated the opposition. It occurred in Weye Village outside Wawnet Inn. It was of course scaled down to meet game-engine limitations...no more than ten actors per side if that. This occurred long ago in my current play-through. Memories are vague. I no longer recall if my avatar took sides, though I believe he functioned as no more than an unbiased observer from the Council. I do recall that, Weye being his adopted home town, he was more concerned that no innocents came to harm. (They did not.) Victory in hand, Mede then marched to the Imperial Palace, where he was proclaimed Emperor.
I failed to capture an image of the battle, but did get one of http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn303/Decrepit_Waste/ESIV%20Oblivion/DawnofanEra.jpg. General / Emperor Mede sits on the throne wearing Imperial Dragon Armor, flanked by Blades. Councilor Ocato and my decrepit avatar (also in Imperial Dragon armor) stand before him. Members of the Guard line the hall.
Sadly, the mod isn't sophisticated enough to to allow any noteworthy post-coronation Emperor related events to occur. Either that or I've not been able to trigger them.
This is the same mod, BTW, that provides my avatar the opportunity to officially patrol Cyrodiil's major thoroughfares and collect taxes-due as a card-carrying representative of the Council and Legion.
Oh yeah....thanks to yet another mod, each Middas the kindly folk of rebuilt Kvatch put surviving captured Mythic Dawn agents and sympathizers on trial-by-combat in the city arena. By sheer coincidence it is Middas in my Cyrdiil now. What's more, my avatar will be in the Kvatch area, returning from a patrol to Anvil. That being the case he considers it his duty as Champion of Cyrodiil and Hero of Kvatch to present himself to the authorities and conduct a number said trials. He actually finds the whole thing repulsive, and most assuredly doesn't go out of this way to be near Kvatch on Middas. He justifies participation only because he offers prisoners an honorable contest and a quick, clean end. That's more than they are likely to get from the local populous.
The point of all this, if there is any, is that at least for me the post-Crisis government of Cyrodiil remains something of a going concern.