I'll always say I will, and sometimes even try, but when it comes right down to it and I've made a ton of progress and end up dying, I'm sure I'll rely on a save unless I somehow disabled the ability to do so before hand.
With that said, it also depends on how I die. If I die because the game isn't fair, in that I fall through the map, get stuck somewhere, or fall upon a glitch similar to that of the infamous Molag Bal glitch from Oblivion of which I was victim to on a character that only had one save and I had spent over 50 hours on, then I'll likely go against my word, but I won't blame myself.
Yeah, if something like that happens, i would certainly reload.
DID for me is avoiding the following.
I have seen a number of people play, and they will get in a dungeon, save, run in to find the people fight as long as can,die, reload, and then go slow and pick them off.
I dont see much of a point playing like this. If there is no loss in death, then there is no point in attempting to avoid death.