Anyone else have a G500 mouse? And question about ADS button

Post » Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:15 pm

Just bought one of these and for the most part it is pretty good and similar to my old MX518 (which died recently) except for higher DPI.

However the one thing that is horrible is the mousewheel. Firstly, the button has too much resistance (requires a hard press) which is compounded by the ease with which the wheel spins (even in the notched mode) .. the result being it is hard to press the middle mouse button without scrolling.

This is a problem because I use middle mouse button for ADS and have done so for a long time so am reluctant to change but I might have to if I cannot find another solution. So I am wondering what most people do for ADS?

Since I have armour on the keyboard I basically figure I need ADS on the mouse so the only easily reachable option (since I use the easily reachable side button for sprint) is mouse 2 (which I currently use for jumping .. again this is just old school habit since this used to be default probably back in quake 1 days or something lol).

BTW is there anyone who uses both ads and armour on the keyboard? I figure since you need to armour and ads at roughly the same time it makes sense to have one on keyboard and one on mouse.

Anyway looking for opinions on either G500 and its sh*tty mousewheel or options for ads.

In the interim I have turned of mousewheel weapon selection which is not really required for C2 with it's standard two weapon loadout but even this is still a bit crap since pressing the wheel button just isn't comfortable. This is also not an option for games with a larger weapon arsenal


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