Anyone else having trouble getting in multiplayer campaign v

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:02 pm

Anyone else having trouble getting in multiplayer campaign versus games with real people and not mostly AI controlled bots? Seems like its always giving me mostly AI controlled bots and I have its set on my rank or higher....needs more real people in the games!
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Richus Dude
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:05 am

Anyone else having trouble getting in multiplayer campaign versus games with real people and not mostly AI controlled bots? Seems like its always giving me mostly AI controlled bots and I have its set on my rank or higher....needs more real people in the games!

To reduce lag, Splash Damage changed it so that there can only be 4 (or possibly 5, not entirely sure) human players in an online match, unless you search for a Big Team game. This could be the reason for your trouble.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:46 pm

Actually I've been wondering the same thing.

Before the update I found full games of people without lag.

Now I can't find a match with anyone in it. And if I do there is only 2-3 other people in the game, and it lags.

So I too am having an issue. A lot of the time it just dumps me in a game by myself? Idk whats been going on. Hopefully it's a sign that they are messing with/fixing the servers...?
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Michelle davies
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:34 am

I'm having this problem. I'm trying to get the Tough as Nails trophy. I have it set to versus, but there never seems to be any people on opposing teams. Will I still get the trophy if I beat all missions this way? I like this game, but some things about it are so frustrating.
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Daniel Holgate
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