I went on hold some time ago, maybe the end of December or early January.
Simply put, I was going through the storyline too fast for my tastes, so when this became evident, I stopped playing.
I'm going to try and play through all the DLCs before going back to the main storyline.
This may be tricky, since I don't know how definitively how many DLCs are planned.
Also, I've been waiting for the mod tools to come out before I start rebuilding Sanctuary Hills.
The first reason is that I want the pristine version of Sanctuary Hills to build around, not the pile of decrepit debris version.
Plus, I want to rebuild the Settlement construction objects to be more clean and not ramshackle, so they go well with the clean version of Sanctuary Hills.
I'm uncertain if I can make mods, since I've never managed to make serious ones before.
But I think if I apply enough grit, determination, decent tutorials/manuals, I'll be able to do it.