Anyone else kind of bummed that there'll be no more Fallout

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:57 pm

So Lonesome Road is out, and Gun Runner's Arsenal and Courier's Stash will be along anytime now, too. That's that. Obsidian will move on, and Bethesda will in all likelihood announce Fallout 4... in a year, maybe two.

Sure, I'll definitely use GRA as a chance to play with some new toys, and try a playthrough with them, as I'm sure others will, but that'll take me what, a couple of weeks, maybe a month? After that, there'll pretty much be no new Fallout for what will seem like forever.

So, is anyone else bummed to say goodbye to the Mojave?
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:58 pm

I hope Bethesda outsources Fallout 4 to Obsidian. The writing in comparison to Fallout 3 is better, and a lot of updated mechanics Obsidian brought in were great. We just need better QA, and y'know, maybe an engine that isn't Gamebryo or some other derivative like the one they're using for Skyrim, because I have a feeling the Skyrim engine may also be as buggy.
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