I cannot believe how much Bethesda hate is going on in this post! When NV first came out everyone said it was nothing compared to F3 Oohh gee golly

Now with its journey ending people are saying how much better it was then F3?
Fat children- that is all
I have never once said Fallout3 was better then New Vegas.
Fallout3 I felt forced to finish it and never wanted to start a second game, while with New Vegas I am currently on my 5th playthrough!
From the first week New Vegas came out I had much mroe fun with it then I did Fallout3. Its not hate towards Bethesda at all (I LOVE elderscrolls series, been playing em for years and years since they started), its just that Obsidian makes better Fallout games, New Vegas remidns me of Fallout1/2 alot. Obsidian has amazing dialogue, stories, characters and roleplaying imo.
In the end I just connected much more to New Vegas, weither it was the characters, story, dialogue, factions or fun factor.. I just had a much better time. Only thign I can say I liked more in Fallout3 was the radio station playlist, everything else I liked much more in New Vegas.