Anyone else kind of bummed that there'll be no more Fallout

Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:00 pm

Your opinion, like mine, is not a fact.
Opinions aren't facts?! :eek:
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:10 am

I am a bit sad its over but it has been a tremendous run.

Eventually the party must end so one can look forward to the next party... otherwise we would be playing Fallout version 1.345 right now and never had Fallouts 2, Fallout 3 and Fallout NV. You know the old "one door closes and another door opens" saying.

In the void between the next Fallout saga there is Skyrim, Rage, BF3 and probably a bunch of other games to be enjoyed not to mention their DLC's to come.

My hats off to both Obsidian and Bethesda for making such worlds we care so much about.
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 3:25 am

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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:16 pm

TBH Bethesda Softworks would be mad to just give the production of Fallout 4 to only BSG or only Obsidian. IMO Fallout 4 should be a combined effort of BSG and Obsidian with Obsidian working on the lore, story, quests, rules etc and BSG would do the world building, game mechanics etc. the result would be the good points of fallout 3 combined with the good points of New Vegas.
Now on the subject of fallout 4, one thing id really like to see is for how VATS work. Id like there to be choice to stick with the current version of VATS which is good for those who prefer the resemblence to turn based combat, but for people like me who prefer to ADS turn VATS into a quasi bullet time. Id also suggest doing what the prodject nevada mod did and make Action points usable for sprinting as well. Id also add for the classic VATS option to allow Action points to be used for evasive rolls
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 7:18 am

Holy [censored], what is this?
Forged in God's very flames.

Do mine eyes tell me lies,
A new Elder Scrolls Game?

Time is nigh, I must fly,
Venture forth on my quest.

Goodbye Ma, goodbye Pa
And goodbye Girlfriend's briasts.

I'll be off Azeroth, catch you later Hyrule.
I'll be gone Albion, I'm no longer your fool.

Other crap filled the gap
While I waited to begin...

The adventure of my life
in the land of Skyrim!
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 8:32 am

I cannot believe how much Bethesda hate is going on in this post! When NV first came out everyone said it was nothing compared to F3 Oohh gee golly :sadvaultboy: Now with its journey ending people are saying how much better it was then F3? It really did end with a bang dlc wise, that's about it. The fallout theme is starting to dry up and that's a fact. I believe F3s theme was better and much easier to work with I mean cmon Washington D.C and all its glory. NV...desert...mooaarrr desert.. I loved both games to death logging 650 in F3 and near 280 in NV and more to come but stop with ooh Obsidian has much betta writers awhhah. They are equal on those terms each one having superior aspects for each game. I'm done ranting...time to go to my imaginary world where everyone agrees with me :banghead: THAT BEING SAID I am going to miss Fallout for a while....Skyrim is gonna hold me over till the next fallout..NV Was a wonderful experience and one of the best games I've played!
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loste juliana
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 5:42 am

Im mixed. One hand I love FNV. Other hand, I want Obsidian to make more games. Im sad F:NV is finished, but who knows maybe Obsidian will make some other great IPs and focus fully on that instead of fallout dlc*. Then I hope zenimax gets Obsidian back to do a future fallout. They could jsut alternate, Bethesda does one to appease bethesda fans, then Obsidians fallout for Obsidian fans. If you like both,lucky you.

Ah well still got other games, fallout has taken lots of my time. Will take more. Add in more alpha protocal, deus ex**, kingdoms of amalur and the other older games im finally getting around to playying. I will be fine for some tiem. Still sad, fallout NV has been one of the best gaming experiences I have had in some time.

*Obsidian is a great studio, and really made a good game of FNV(lacks few things wich FO3 had, but this also could be said of FO3) but Obsidian ain't too great in making it's own IPs, but are much better in sequels of games of other studios.

** make sure deus ex is the first game you play. :tongue:
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 3:27 am

I'm sure everyone is. The svcky thing is that these amazing games take so long to develope. I just can't wait to feel that feeling everyone feels in the first day of a fallout release again!
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 3:18 am

I suppose Skyrim will occupy me for the time being, but the medieval fantasy world is scary :(

But seriously I am actually bummed that there won't be any Fallout for a while, I'll probably do the same thing I did when there was no more Fallout 3, I roam the wasteland, looking at the NPC's do their scripted tasks, strolling across the highest points of the Mojave, contemplating if whether I should jump, or go on a killing spree across the desert.

"Letting go, that's the hard part"
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:17 pm

I just really hope that Bethesda lets Obsidian do Fallout4. I doubt it will happen but I pray Obsidian gets to do another Fallout game as New Vegas is 100 times the game Fallout3 is.

To be honest I probably won't even buy Fallout4 if its not done by Obsidian, that's how amazing New Vegas was compared to Fallout3.

Not to mention the DLC Obsidian has done is the best DLC ive ever played on any game. New World Blues and Lonesome Road are just epic.

Nothing against Bethesda (as I own every single Elderscrolls from Arena to Oblivion), I jsut think they don't do Fallout nearly as well as Obsidian, they do Elderscrolls well though.

At least make Obsidian do the dialogue, story and characters for Fallout4? Please? :brokencomputer:
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 7:37 am

I cannot believe how much Bethesda hate is going on in this post! When NV first came out everyone said it was nothing compared to F3 Oohh gee golly :sadvaultboy: Now with its journey ending people are saying how much better it was then F3?
Fat children- that is all

I have never once said Fallout3 was better then New Vegas.
Fallout3 I felt forced to finish it and never wanted to start a second game, while with New Vegas I am currently on my 5th playthrough!

From the first week New Vegas came out I had much mroe fun with it then I did Fallout3. Its not hate towards Bethesda at all (I LOVE elderscrolls series, been playing em for years and years since they started), its just that Obsidian makes better Fallout games, New Vegas remidns me of Fallout1/2 alot. Obsidian has amazing dialogue, stories, characters and roleplaying imo.

In the end I just connected much more to New Vegas, weither it was the characters, story, dialogue, factions or fun factor.. I just had a much better time. Only thign I can say I liked more in Fallout3 was the radio station playlist, everything else I liked much more in New Vegas.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 8:07 pm

hand fallout 4 to bioware :gun:
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 6:08 am

hand fallout 4 to bioware :gun:

That's probably a bad idea... Bioware is EA's [censored]. (female dog)
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 5:26 am

hand fallout 4 to bioware :gun:
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Amanda savory
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:08 am

hand fallout 4 to bioware :gun:
You shut your [censored] mouth and be gone from thy sacred lands heathen! *Casts Spell of Shut-The-[censored]-Upery"
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 1:33 am

I can't help but agree with Daniels. FO3 was widely known for it's theme, being end of the worldly. It's what everybody likes. Plus is was in WASHINGTON DC. The biggest political hub in America. Americans can't begin to imagine what would happen if their capitol was a warzone. Seriously, monuments and structures that people take into such high account being completely destroyed and defaced in the wake of nuclear war is just compelling. It's just gripping to see a place so important, so in the dumps like the rest of the world.

But lets face it, destroying DC was like killing children in a video game. A taboo. But DC isn't as bad as dead kids...xDD It's just, something people don't want to think, but the game really gives a wow factor, showing people that it CAN happen.

Then FNV comes along, GREAT game it is, but it's in a boring old desert. When people think Vegas they think a big city of lights and sounds and can't imagine how it could be post-apocalyptic. But still, just a boring old desert.

We should face that Washington DC was the climix of the Fallout franchise. Unless the devs decide to destroy.....well there's nothing left to destroy, they already destroyed the world.
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 8:23 pm

[quote name='Dalek' timestamp='1316895758' post='18657391']
Then FNV comes along, GREAT game it is, but it's in a boring old desert. When people think Vegas they think a big city of lights and sounds and can't imagine how it could be post-apocalyptic. But still, just a boring old desert.

I wouldn't really call it taboo as much as it is just f*cking awesome to shoot supermutants in front of the capitol building screaming AMERICA at the top of your lungs.

~Biggest disappointing moment in the entire game is when I realized freeside/the strip were in 3 separate [censored] sections.
*some weird formatting issue with the quote, oops.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:44 am

hand fallout 4 to bioware :gun:
Hell no, I love Bioware but they have no business with the Fallout series.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 11:55 pm

It's what everybody likes.

Please do not speak for everyone, I value story and characters over setting.

As for the bioware thing, :swear: are you kidding me, Hell No!
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:24 am

Nope, I'll be playing FO1, FO2, FOT, FO3, and FNV till the emergence of FO4 info and release of FO4.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:37 pm

FO3 was widely known for it's theme, being end of the worldly. It's what everybody likes. Seriously, monuments and structures that people take into such high account being completely destroyed and defaced in the wake of nuclear war is just compelling. It's just gripping to see a place so important, so in the dumps like the rest of the world.

Then FNV comes along, GREAT game it is, but it's in a boring old desert. When people think Vegas they think a big city of lights and sounds and can't imagine how it could be post-apocalyptic. But still, just a boring old desert. We should face that Washington DC was the climix of the Fallout franchise. Unless the devs decide to destroy.....well there's nothing left to destroy, they already destroyed the world.

You mirror my thoughts exactly again, except for the end. There's plenty of epic new games to tell, but they have GOT to return to a more urban apocolyptic vibe. They had to do so just to make the NV dlcs compelling. The one that they didn't...Honest widely regarded as the least compelling.

I would love to see them do New York. There are so many epic things they could do. But fully realize it. Let us interact with the Atlantic in a meaningful way. Don't confine us strictly to subways or a desert. Let us fully explore the destroyed remains of skyscraqers and their dizzying heights, including the 'tallest building in the world' (Empire State). Let's have a LOT more wrecked vehicles, more buildings to explore, mass amounts of people at the same time in settlements.

Let's see what the next engine can really do.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 11:42 pm

Even if there's never another Fallout, New Vegas will go down in history as the best.

Fallout is just too popular, the sales show that. I'm sure that there will be another three Fallout games before the unfortunate may happen. Just think of what they could do with Fallout on the next-gen consoles. Outstanding. It's like a reboot of the Fallout franchise because they'll have more tech to work with when making a Fallout game. :)

I remember reading somewhere that when Bethesda aquired the rights to make Fallout games, they stated that they planned on not just making one or two Fallout games. So I'm sure there will be plenty more Fallout games to come! :)
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 11:11 pm

Bioware is hard pressed as it is. They have the old republic MMORPG which they just disclosed the release date on. They have Mass Effect to conclude and make DLC's for. They have Dragon Age to continue making. And then they have to contend with EA exec's who prolly breathe down their neck looking for the next golden calf to sacrifice to their shareholders. Even if I like (used to love) Bioware for their products they are too busy now. And frankly I feel that Obsidian has overtaken the role as the "Only" Story-driven CRPG creator, just as I see gamesas as the "Only" open end and all-liberties granted CRPG. Ideally I'd love to see the two merge, but that I fear is not going to happen as both parties appeal to slightly different groups. Obsidian for the lore, old timer pen and paper freaks for whom story matters more than pixes (thats me) and then gamesas that makes RPGs for people who love free roaming and absolute independence (I like this too and have done so since I played Daggerfall).

Ideally Id like to see a "Planescape Torment meets Skyrim" kind of game. Heavy on lore and text (and I mean obscenely heavy), and absolute freedom of movement and creativity. It could be done if Beth and Obs decided that they would do it. However the manhours and the work effort put into such a game would be absurd. You would need writers of R.A. Salvatore caliber (and yes writerS) to start comming up with the story basically 2-3 years before the first pixels were programmed. And then you'd need programmers, testers and geeks galore to both programme, debug and ensure quality and story coherence. That would take years and several hundred people getting payed for hard work. That would mean that those people would be working without earning their own wages (in the sense that they would not be ensuring a dayly turnaround) so it would be a huge and risky investment. An investment that only the biggest and most successfull companies could take on. It would be the "Lord of the Rings" of computer games and gain a fanatically devoted fanbase but the investment would in all likelyhood not be commercially viable. And that makes me a sad panda.
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 5:20 am

*hisses* :obliviongate:
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Wed May 09, 2012 9:47 am

I wouldn't mind obsidian making the next Fallout.
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