I've never made any Mer characters.
I mainly have always made Imperial or Nord characters. I'm not a big fan of Elves, magic ponies or worse...... fairies. Best slay them all.
I enjoy "playing against type." I didn't play a Dunmer Nerevarine, or an Imperial Champion of Cyrodiil, and I didn't play a Nord Dragonborn. I like to play Orc Mages and Breton Warriors. I don't let Bethesda's portrayal of races get in the way of roleplaying. I see my characters as individuals first, as members of a race second.
Seeing as the stereotypical axe-wielding Orc is my tradition for the first playthrough, yes, I have been a dragonborn Mer.
Sure you might feel like you fit in better if you're a Nord, but you could say the same about all the other stories.
Human, nerevarine? Argonian CoC?
It all comes down to what you want to play as, then again there are quite a few orcs in Skyrim, so it might not be the most unfitting race to play.
I've played a Dunmer, but prefer Argonian or Khajiit. It's actually a little bit funny when the NPCs react all surprised and say things like "You...you're dragonborn!" to an Argonian.
Agreed, the fact that you fight Alduin in Sovrngarde with the Warriors 3 and how everyone is a Nord, and including its heavily implied by Tsun. It just makes sense to hack your way through Skyrim as a Nord anyway. Might as well.
Well, I've played as an Argonian in Morrowind and as a Dunmer in Oblivion. In Skyrim, I mostly toy around with non-Nord man races.
Personally, I don't get the whole 'it feels like the dragonborn should be Nord'; in the same way I never really felt that the main character in Oblivion should be an Imperial.
My first character is almost always a Khajiit, and I tend to play 'against the grain' characters - their involvement in the main quest is always a surprise to them and their quest givers. I guess I just never like the standard 'hero' type of character.
But one reason I love TES is that there's no real impetus to BE that prescribed hero character. I've not encountered anything in Skyrim as yet where I've felt "hmm, that's a bit weird they'd say that to a Khajiit..."
But maybe other people have?
My Dragonborn (only finished the MQ once) was a Nord. Indeed because it felt right to have a Nord warrior as Dragonborn.
I don't think I've played any races except Nord, Breton and Imperial in Skyrim, even though I usually play every race except the beasties in TES games.
Being dragonborn might well trump race in some respects. And it's not like you died and went there. You just walked in through the front door. I imagine at this point that there's any number of birds and rodents and stray cats that have wandered into Sovngarde as well, since you left it open. Probably even an opportunistic Khajiit caravan or two.
I've played each race at least once. Everyone has had a few minutes (Nord, Redguard, Dunmer, Orc) to a few (hundred) hours (Khajiit, Breton, Bosmer, Imperial, Argonian, Altmer). The Khajiit's my "canon" Dragonborn out of the bunch. I don't get why people feel they should be a Nord aside from "everyone else is a Nord so I should be too!" Never mind the fact that you're considered a foreigner regardless.
Actually, there are a few lines that were overlooked. Like Ysolda and the carriage driver not changing their dialogue when you play as Khajiit. "Ever met one of those cats? 'Kajeet' I think they call themselves. I hear there are countries full of them down south." *is a damn cat* But then the same thing happens when you play a Nord.
They're general game comments, but I suppose I was thinking more of the MQ dialogue, where you're specifically being addressed as a Dragonborn.
Ysolda's dialogue is a bit of an oversight, though, given her character!
Oh, well, yeah! Nothing substantial. Just dumb stuff like that. You'd think Ysolda would go all crazy cat lady on you, though.
...weren't you just there and given an invitation by Tsun to come back?
Stereotypes. Some people seem to love them.
...I'd say that an Argonian is a closer relative to a Dragon, anyway...
Didn't Esbern make a comment about Argonian's and dragons when you do a side quest for him to get the Dragon Slayer perk?
I have made Mer Dragonborn and it doesn't feel as "right" as my Nord Dragonborn. I just can't help but feel out of place where I fight the final battle. Still doesn't stop me from having fun along the way.
I've had a few mer Dragonborn. It didn't seem weird or off to me.
I was under the impression that Sovngarde was on one of the moons. When you consider that not only have people traveled to the moons in the past but that apparently Khajiit have a colony on Secunda (which is possibly an afterlife) it's not all that weird.