Anyone else not disappointed with.... anything?

Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:06 am

A few things disappoint me, but I'm still super excited.

One thing that's not really a complaint, just more of a nerdy face palm moment, is how Skyrim revolves around dragons, but those aren't dragons, they are Wyverns, Dragons have four legs in addition to wings, Wyverns just have two legs and wings, with small claws sometimes attached to their wings.

Just an odd oversight.

They are dragons. No where is it stated (even being fictitious in nature) that they must have 4 legs. In fact, many descriptions of dragons form mythology are to the contrary. Also, Wyverns (again being mythological in nature) tended to be smaller than dragons and often were made up of different animals such as eagles, with only the head being that of a Dragons.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:26 am

Honestly, what did you expect? This is another "what I think about the game" thread. Very obviously people would have to state what makes them disappointed with the game if they don't agree with the OP. Did you expect a lot of "I agree." posts?

Again, this thread isn't about what your disappointed in. It's for people without disappointments. If you're not satisfied with everything you've heard, simply don't post in this thread. Not that hard. There's plenty of other threads to list your concerns. I can link you to them if you'd like?
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:49 am

I don't see why one would need to remove depth from one place to add it elsewhere when you already have a solid system that it works upon. It's like saying "I have this painting, but I want to make a sculpture, I'll have to throw out my painting so that I don't have too much evidence of creativity."
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:40 am

While playing if I'm disappointed with anything I'm sure there'll eventually be a mod for it.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:49 am

Because 3 years isn't a lot? I don't think they had the 11.11.11 date chosen back in 2008. When the game started to really come together they realized they could hit that date.

And no. Batman, Uncharted 3, and Assassins Creed does not have no where near the content.

The first Batman had awesome combat, never been much into the other 2. Well if it's true that it's been in development for 3 years then the excuse of "We didnt have time to implement it" shouldnt cut it huh?
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:09 am

Doesn't the player have a sheild on his back during the E3 demo, the first time we see 3rd person? I am imagining this...?

unfortunately no, all videos since have shown the player, guards and other walking, weapon sheathed, with shield in hand.
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:45 pm

I find that very hard to believe, I mean there simply has to be something out there that at least makes you raise an eye-brow. I am, for example, a bit sceptical over what pickpocket will actually end up being. I had a look at the perks for it and it does seem like a roll a dice system again, that notes how valuable an item is and how much it weights.
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Miss K
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:51 am

The first Batman had awesome combat, never been much into the other 2. Well if it's true that it's been in development for 3 years then the excuse of "We didnt have time to implement it" shouldnt cut it huh?

I was done with the first Batman in 15 hours. Whether the combat is good or not is irrelevant to me. Not worth $60.

And yes, time and budget will always be a valid reason for every dev. Three years to make a big open world and add new content. There would be people complaining Beth are "lazy" if all they did was upgrade current systems and never add a bunch of new stuff.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:59 am

I am only disappointed it isnt 11-11-11 yet

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lauren cleaves
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:28 pm

If you haven't yet realized, the two systems don't exclude each other. Surely pretending that it is like that makes it easier to claim that spellmaking has no place in this game, but they aren't.

I didn't say they excluded each other. I said you were wrong to assume that it was left out because it was too much effort. It was clearly a design decision, because it would have been unbelievably easy for them to keep a system they'd already created in the game.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:22 am

I was done with the first Batman in 15 hours. Whether the combat is good or not is irrelevant to me. Not worth $60.

And yes, time and budget will always be a valid reason for every dev. Three years to make a big open world and add new content. There would be people complaining Beth are "lazy" if all they did was upgrade current systems and never add a bunch of new stuff.

So your idea of content is quantity over quality. you would probally dig world of warcraft, it's game play is pretty much garbage now but it still take time to sift through it all. I personally prefer games that take a small amount of skill with good looking combat unlike oblivions "Whack a Mole" click as fast as you can BS
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:02 am

I don't see why one would need to remove depth from one place to add it elsewhere when you already have a solid system that it works upon. It's like saying "I have this painting, but I want to make a sculpture, I'll have to throw out my painting so that I don't have too much evidence of creativity."

Let me help you with that anology. It's more like saying "Here's a bit of money. You and your team can make a game, but you have to have it ready in a certain time-frame. Oh, and we're not giving you any more money besides this." Game developers have to prioritize, otherwise there's a bunch of poorly developed features clogging up what could have been an enjoyable game.
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:00 am

So your idea of content is quantity over quality. you would probally dig world of warcraft, it's game play is pretty much garbage now but it still take time to sift through it all. I personally prefer games that take a small amount of skill with good looking combat unlike oblivions "Whack a Mole" click as fast as you can BS

I don't like WoW. Could never get into it. You're misunderstanding me, sorry. You should try Ninja Gaiden if you haven't already.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:37 am

Let me help you with that anology. It's more like saying "Here's a bit of money. You and your team can make a game, but you have to have it ready in a certain time-frame. Oh, and we're not giving you any more money besides this." Game developers have to prioritize, otherwise there's a bunch of poorly developed features clogging up what could have been an enjoyable game.

But some of these things they already HAVE the concepts fleshed out for, and would require limited work for implimentation, like item degradation.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:33 am

But some of these things they already HAVE the concepts fleshed out for, and would require limited work for implimentation, like item degradation.

See, this is where you're confusing design decisions with mistakes. It's not like they were going to put in item degradation and said, "You know what? Screw it. Let's go play MW2 instead." They deliberately chose to not have these features in the game.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:34 pm

My biggest disappointment is that the game will have to be played on Steam.

My second biggest disappointment (a minor one) is that you can't block while duel wielding.

Yeah, I understand it's for balancing purposes, but why don't they just put that feature in when the majority of the gamers are just going to download a mod that allows them too anyway?
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:26 am

By the way, prepare for a stream of Bile when Xarnac catches wind of this thread. Anything suggesting that Skyrim has a sum of depth and volume more than any other Elder Scrolls game sends him into a blind, incoherent, if admirably written rage.

I wonder why this Xarnac person feels like he can make a claim like that when he hasn't played through the game.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:01 am

I wonder why this Xarnac person feels like he can make a claim like that when he hasn't played through the game.

I wonder why people can claim they love everything about it when they haven't played through the game.

I don't agree with him on most things, but I also don't like how people on these forums tend to be ridiculed simply for not thinking everything BGS does is perfection.

Concerned fans =/= trolls, whiners, or nitpickers. (though there are some of them around)
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:11 am


I agree. I'm sad about some things, but not disappointed.
I'm very excited about most everything I've heard.
This game is going to be awesome, and I love BGS for making it.

My response to everyone who has a problem with the direction BGS is taking:

Make your own game, or deal with it.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:31 pm

Dont really know if i fit in this thread. I was disappointed when i first heard some stuff, but i couldnt care less about any of those things now. So yeah Skyrimso far looks like itll be my perfect game :tes:
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Peter lopez
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:48 am

I love everything I've seen/read/heard and I think every design decision is amazing. My most anticipated game ever. Skyrim will be legendary.

Amen to that... :celebration:

The only disappointment is that it's not 11/11/11 today.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:17 am

Actually the entire point of these forums is so bethesda can get a feel for what the majority of the populace wants to see in thier games and what content they dont care for so they can make games that please the majority so they can make more money, the forums is basicly just a free think tank that bethesda can dip into without much effort, I'm pretty sure the developers dont give a rats *** "what music best describes your player?" or "what will you do in the first 15 minutes after buying the game?". So those of you who dont care to "Whine" or VOICE YOUR OPINONS, your basicly being useless here. I'm sure they like to hear what aspects you think your most pleased with but kiss thier asses wont help them develop better games :tes:

This. The forums are not here for you to circle-jerk your favorite Bethesda developer(s) -though I'm sure they like reading those kinds of comments from time to time- these forums exist so that they can get the pulse of the community that buys their games.

As much as some of you might want to demonize people who complain about the game, these people are only complaining because they care about the series. And, if you gave it a moments thought, you'd realize that Bethesda has much more use for "whiners" whining about their games (so they can fix what's brought to their attention if it needs to be fixed) than lemmings or yesmen saying "everything is fine always and forever! Will you marry me Todd?"

As far as my personal disappointment to not disappointment score, about a 0, where 100 is as excited and not disappointed as one can be, buying at 5AM on 11-11-11 and -100 is totally disappointed and not buying the game period, /eat a dike Bethesda. I'm excited that it's an ES and I'll probably buy it eventually, but all of the features that have been removed (and the appeasemant features that have been added as compensation) drop my excitement so much so that I'll not buy the game at launch and just wait till when the price drops next year.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:48 am

The only thing I'm disappointed in, is that I don't have the game right now.
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:24 am

Nothing and no one are perfect. There will always be room for improvement. That being said, Skyrim has a done a great job pushing the elderscrolls series forward.
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:36 am

This. The forums are not here for you to circle-jerk your favorite Bethesda developer(s) -though I'm sure they like reading those kinds of comments from time to time- these forums exist so that they can get the pulse of the community that buys their games.

As much as some of you might want to demonize people who complain about the game, these people are only complaining because they care about the series. And, if you gave it a moments thought, you'd realize that Bethesda has much more use for "whiners" whining about their games (so they can fix what's brought to their attention if it needs to be fixed) than lemmings or yesmen saying "everything is fine always and forever! Will you marry me Todd?"

As far as my personal disappointment to not disappointment score, about a 0, where 100 is as excited and not disappointed as one can be, buying at 5AM on 11-11-11 and -100 is totally disappointed and not buying the game period, /eat a dike Bethesda. I'm excited that it's an ES and I'll probably buy it eventually, but all of the features that have been removed (and the appeasemant features that have been added as compensation) drop my excitement so much so that I'll not buy the game at launch and just wait till when the price drops next year.

I've been waiting months to hear about one example of any game that's been changed pre-release based on forum feedback.

Edit: The term "feedback" is used loosely here, because in order to provide feedback, you need to have experienced something.
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