Anyone else not disappointed with.... anything?

Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:54 am

There are things I'm disappointed about but the difference between me and the forums is...I shut up about it because there's nothing I can do to change anything.
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:22 am

I don't think I will find much disappointing about Skyrim. The truth is that after Oblivion my expectations of Skyrim are MUCH lower, It should be far easier for Bethesda to meet the new 'bar' I have for the TES series. Oblivion was an ok game, but it doesn't rank even in my top 10. It certainly didn't match up to the hype that surrounded it pre-release. I am not buying into that hype this time, so I will probably like Skyrim.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:20 am

Seriously? Merging armor with greaves is as relevant to you as merging left and right gauntlet slots? Sorry, I really can't take you seriously then. Very obviously this isn't a matter of armor points, nor has it ever been.

Merging armor with grieves is not as relevant to me as merging left and right gauntlet slots because gauntlet slots were merged long before Skyrim so anyone with half a brain wouldn't bring up relics from 2-3 games ago.
Sorry, I really can't take you seriously then because very obviously this isn't a matter of logical discourse to you, nor has it ever been.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:49 pm

Hand to Hand as a skill was completely pointless.

No, it wasn't. Many people used it, I personalky had several characters dedicated to it.
Spellmaking being removed was a DESIGN choice, and is made up via 85 new unique spells and DW spells/combining.

Design decision? Sounds more like they ran out of time or budget. The new system does not replace spellmaking at all, and everything points into the direction of Skyrim having less spell effects than Oblivion.
Great changes so far IMO.
Bethesda has just taken away thing that were irrelevant and pointless, and added new awesome features. Skyrim will be the GOTY.
Removing stuff is "great" now? I mean, it's features you don't care about, we get that, but you behave as if removing such things magically made the game any better. It doesn't.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:11 am

I think thats relative to what people consider content to be, TES could develop a game the literal size of africa filled with dungeons 50 miles deep but if the combat is garbage I'd prefer a smaller game that offers a more fun way to play it. Honestly I dont know why they cant do both, it's thier own damn fault for picking a stupid date like 11/11/11 and then having to cut so much content. Fable did the same thing, they picked a date way in advance, forced as much crap in as they could get with the time they had and then spent the next 6 months appologizing for cutting so much content and how they would do better the next time around.

I'm pretty sure 2 years is a solid development time for every company except Blizzard. And Blizzard sacrifices graphical quality for their indefinitely long game-making windows.

Your post should more properly read "TES could develop a game the literal size of Africa, filled with dungeons 50 miles deep, but "hardcoe" fans will still find something to whine about."
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:30 am

Design decision? Sounds more like they ran out of time or budget. The new system does not replace spellmaking at all, and everything points into the direction of Skyrim having less spell effects than Oblivion.

Right. Because that system would be harder to implement than hand-crafted spells. Putting sandbox-esque tools in a game is a lot easier than setting up predefined objects.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:01 am

Why do all the whiners have to flock to the NOT whining thread? I mean if you want to whine THAT badly made your own damn thread. Otherwise you're just trolling.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:49 am

A few things disappoint me, but I'm still super excited.

One thing that's not really a complaint, just more of a nerdy face palm moment, is how Skyrim revolves around dragons, but those aren't dragons, they are Wyverns, Dragons have four legs in addition to wings, Wyverns just have two legs and wings, with small claws sometimes attached to their wings.

Just an odd oversight.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:28 am

I think thats relative to what people consider content to be, TES could develop a game the literal size of africa filled with dungeons 50 miles deep but if the combat is garbage I'd prefer a smaller game that offers a more fun way to play it. Honestly I dont know why they cant do both, it's thier own damn fault for picking a stupid date like 11/11/11 and then having to cut so much content. Fable did the same thing, they picked a date way in advance, forced as much crap in as they could get with the time they had and then spent the next 6 months appologizing for cutting so much content and how they would do better the next time around.

Because 3 years isn't a lot? I don't think they had the 11.11.11 date chosen back in 2008. When the game started to really come together they realized they could hit that date.

And no. Batman, Uncharted 3, and Assassins Creed does not have no where near the content.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:36 pm

The only thing I'm really disappointed in is STEAMWORKS. To hell with it!
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:34 pm

A few things disappoint me, but I'm still super excited.

One thing that's not really a complaint, just more of a nerdy face palm moment, is how Skyrim revolves around dragons, but those aren't dragons, they are Wyverns, Dragons have four legs in addition to wings, Wyverns just have two legs and wings, with small claws sometimes attached to their wings.

Just an odd oversight.

You do realize that dragons aren't real, right? And that the "definition" you're giving is just based on arbitrary rules set down by Tolkien?
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:00 am

Merging armor with grieves is not as relevant to me as merging left and right gauntlet slots because gauntlet slots were merged long before Skyrim so anyone with half a brain wouldn't bring up relics from 2-3 games ago.
Sorry, I really can't take you seriously then because very obviously this isn't a matter of logical discourse to you, nor has it ever been.

1 game ago, actually. You said yourself that you find all slots to be the same, it's a very valid comparison. Obviously the least slots we have, the more valuable each single one becomes as well. Your second statement is pointless and baseless. "Relics" from older games are very relevant now that a new one is being made.
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sally coker
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:22 am

Threads actually for people not disappointed with anything. Reread the thread title.

Thanks smart-[censored]
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:03 am

You do realize that dragons aren't real, right? And that the "definition" you're giving is just based on arbitrary rules set down by Tolkien?

Yeah, in TES lore they ARE dragons. What is so hard for people to understand about that?
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:55 am

Only the loss of spell crafting. Every character I made for Oblivion always ended up with TONS of custom spells, but then again, there was no (easy) way to delete them, and it did get a tad cumbersome.

Still, I know why they must have done it. It was easy to exploit. You could chain-cast a series of spells to buff yourself up to higher and higher levels of magicka until you could cast custom spells that should have been impossible for anyone to cast. (Think maximum damage + maximum area of effect, "I win" button). You could make a "training" spell for each school of magic that cost so little magicka that you could put a weight on the keyboard and leave the room, and when you came back, your skill had hit the next 25-point plateau. That's how I always raised my magic skills, lol. Took way too long the normal way IMHO, at least when compared with other skills. You could cast a disintegrate armor spell on yourself and then power-level your smithing skill, etc.

Just too many exploits, and the spell book always ended up hopelessly cluttered, so... I get it. I'm a sad panda, but I get it.

Everything else I've seen and heard so far = spot on. I loved Arena, I loved Daggerfall (despite the bugs, lol), I loved Morrowind, I loved Oblivion, I loved Fallout 3, and I will love this. For that matter, I loved Terminator: Future Shock, and who else has even heard of that one?? But it was the usual Bethesda experience: amazingly ambitious, buggy as all get-out, made every other game look flat and boring by comparison. They're all different games, but each one redefined the gaming landscape and raised the bar for the entire industry when it came out. Bethesda have never let me down, they're the best in the business. I think their design philosophy could best be stated "Shoot for the moon... even if you miss, you'll wind up among the stars." So we get a few bugs, some strange design decisions (like being able to carry around a full-size sailing vessel in your pocket in Morrowind, or was that Daggerfall?), and, in the bargain, the best video games ever made.

Thank you for posting such a positive thread, BTW. I grow weary of the whining. :)
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:24 am

No, because the game is being made by the same guys who started the series. If Bethseda had said, we have decided to let Obsidian (no offense) develop the next Elder Scrolls game so we can concentrate on developing other games. Then I would probably be a bit upset and quick to scrutinize anything I see. But Bethseda is a company that has not disappointed me in 15 years of gaming. Why would they start now. With such a large fan base, and a reputation for making excellent role playing games, why mess things up when you have such a good thing going.Todd has always said, with every new Elder Scrolls, they always set out to make a better game, and i don't see that changing for Skyrim.

Oh, I have no doubt that they always strive to make a better game. I just can't discount the possibility of failure based only on that. Bethesda is 2-for-3 for me. Morrowind is my favorite game of all time. Fallout 3 is in my top 5. Oblivion on the other hand, sobered me up a bit. That's why I'm pretty firmly entrenched in the "can't tell until I actually play" camp.
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City Swagga
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:38 pm

I think that the changes they've made were made in a good faith attempt to make the best possible game. How they'll all play out remains to be seen, but I'm eagerly awaiting Nov. 11.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:52 am

I battle disappointment with common logic on this forums every time I log on. :toughninja:
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:20 am

I am confident that Todd and the guys (and girls) have made a great game, i would hope that the changes are required to balance the game out! Oblivion was one of my favourite games ever and i am sure that i will find bits that i am not 100% totally happy with... but hey i can't make games, so i can not complain!

I will reserve judgement for the finished product!
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:13 am

Thanks smart-[censored]

Just stating what the thread is for :smile: People are coming in here listing disappointments when this isn't what the thread is for. There's open threads to list your "disappointments". This thread has dissolved into people bickering back and forth when it was meant for people completely happy with Skyrim.
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:29 am

Right. Because that system would be harder to implement than hand-crafted spells. Putting sandbox-esque tools in a game is a lot easier than setting up predefined objects.

If you haven't yet realized, the two systems don't exclude each other. Surely pretending that it is like that makes it easier to claim that spellmaking has no place in this game, but they aren't.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:56 pm

1 game ago, actually. You said yourself that you find all slots to be the same, it's a very valid comparison. Obviously the least slots we have, the more valuable each single one becomes as well. Your second statement is pointless and baseless. "Relics" from older games are very relevant now that a new one is being made.

Yeah. Exactly. Gauntlets were merged in OB. Why would you bring them up here? The decision had been made for you a whole game ago. Your issue is an OLD ONE. One that was already resolved. You didn't like the resolution so you continue to bring up the issue.

My statement about relics (old gameplay mechanics) is valid. The options you want have been removed from TES for a whole game. Get over it. You're trying to argue a point that was lost a game ago. It's not my responsibility to give faux-respect to issues that were decided a whole game past. So long as the core stat values don't change, there is no functional change to the gameplay, except for your ability to play Barbie Dream-house. If I can protect my character equally using one less slot, I cannot see how the loss of that one slot is a huge offense.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:01 am

The decision on graphics is the only real thing that upsets me. They shoulda pulled a BF3, or hell at least put in some true DX11.

All that gameplay stuff is just fine, its a new game not a rehash or remake of Morrowind. All previews have been highly positive and I can't think of anything that warrants any real complaint when thinking of it as a new game rather than a rehash.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:59 am

There are things I'm disappointed about but the difference between me and the forums is...I shut up about it because there's nothing I can do to change anything.

Actually the entire point of these forums is so bethesda can get a feel for what the majority of the populace wants to see in thier games and what content they dont care for so they can make games that please the majority so they can make more money, the forums is basicly just a free think tank that bethesda can dip into without much effort, I'm pretty sure the developers dont give a rats *** "what music best describes your player?" or "what will you do in the first 15 minutes after buying the game?". So those of you who dont care to "Whine" or VOICE YOUR OPINONS, your basicly being useless here. I'm sure they like to hear what aspects you think your most pleased with but kiss thier asses wont help them develop better games :tes:
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Sunny Under
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:20 am

Just stating what the thread is for :smile: People are coming in here listing disappointments when this isn't what the thread is for. There's open threads to list your "disappointments".

Honestly, what did you expect? This is another "what I think about the game" thread. Very obviously people would have to state what makes them disappointed with the game if they don't agree with the OP. Did you expect a lot of "I agree." posts?
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