Is anyone else not impressed?

Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:29 am

Maybe it's because I'm more of a TES fan than a MMO one, but I'm just not that impressed with this game. It's certainly not bad as far as MMO's go - I'd even say ZeniMax has a lot of new and innovative ideas - but it just can't live up to the Elder Scrolls name.

I understand there are limitations since it is an MMO, but they've taken out too many of the things that makes the Elder Scrolls games great. In Morrowind I could turn into a vampire, rob a store, and become a wanted criminal if I so chose. In ESO I can't even swim under water or specialize in a certain school of magic. I can't pick up almost every item I see or open every container. In some cases I can't even swim from one piece of land to another.

Who else feels the same way? It's not a bad game by any means, but it feels more like Kingdoms of Amalur than an Elder Scrolls game.

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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:00 am

As someone who's not an ES fan, who only played Skyrim casually and enjoyed Morrowind back in the day, I have no idea what you're talking about.

It feels just as much like an ES game as any of the others I've played.

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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:49 pm

In Daggerfall I could enter a store, then wait until nightfall and clean out the shelves.

I want that because I deserve it as a Daggerfall fan.
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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:50 am

I am having enough fun to know that I will probably play it as my only online game for a long time. But yes, I am not impressed at all. There are some great things about this game, and they did get the Elder Scrolls feel with the graphics, music, lore, and quest stories, but there are a lot of things in this game that didn't live up to my imagination.

Cyrodiil is the only map I have seen so far that actually feels open enough to be a TES landscape. The character creation options are severely lacking for all the hype behind it. The spells available are very limited. Not even a basic fireball or ice bolt? Should have used the same system but replaced the current skill lines with all the classic TES skills.

They did great with the crafting and gathering, I feel like everything I can loot in the world will give me something useful either to use myself or to sell(when the guild stores are available). Enchanting was the only one I didn't like.

The combat to me is very enjoyable. Targeting is a little weird, but other than that I really like the flow of combat, blocking, dodging, bashing, etc. However, character animations are very poor. Especially the sprinting and character stance with weapons drawn.

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Cody Banks
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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:46 pm

i am sure this game with only improve over time. its fun enough now for me to enjoy playing it and if enough people feel the same way then they game will only get better. if not enough people play it then it will turn into f2p garbage

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Avril Churchill
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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:07 pm

Im not impressed either. I was enthusiastic about this game a couple of days ago, but im already bored with it.

I removed the Beta from my laptop, and started playing Skyrim again - and i am enjoying that VERY much. I highly recommend old players to try and play Skyrim without fast travel... its quite the challenge.

I will keep my eyes on this game until it comes to Playstation 4. Sad thing is... Playstation 4 has alot more impressive games coming up, so chances i'll be playing this is very slim, and i have alot of training ahead of me anyway... so gaming altogether isn't an option... especially mmo's.

For those that do enjoy this game. Have fun with it. Peace.

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:01 am

Comparing ESO to Morrowind is quite unfair. Morrowind was the peak of Elder Scrolls games, Skyrim which everyone praises so much is very much dumbed down and you won't find all of the Morrowind's liberty in there.

I honestly don't see the issue, it's a question of compromise and honestly I like very much ESO even if it's much different from older ES games. You can't have all but what you get is quite nice honestly and I can say it's a quality job.

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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:46 pm

So far only two things piss me off in the game.. confused combat through latency, and lazy ass programming of line of sight issues with mob spells and attacks traveling through solid objects. The first I can deal with.. the second is pretty much inexcusable.

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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:26 pm

I honestly play this game as an MMO fan and I think that the combat and free form character building is fantastic.

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:38 pm

I am enjoying the game quite a bit, however.....I had to stop comparing it to other TES games in my mind. I enjoy it as an MMO that I feel is well done and it successfully allows me to recall TES lore. When I first started the Beta's, my expectations were lethal.

I've calmed down now and just enjoy it as a well done MMO that I can lose myself in a few nights a week.

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George PUluse
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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:27 am

Yes very unimpressed. As I've stated in other threads it boils down it being just another pretty standard MMO slapped with some Elder Scrolls paint. Increasingly I feel that they hired someone to lead the project who already knew what he wanted to make (which was basically an RvR MMO) and the fact it was to be an Elder Scrolls game was incidental to him. So they started with this gameplay model that looks a lot like WoW/EQ/DAoC/WAR, etc because that's what they knew and then thought right how can we make this look more Elder Scrolls like. Rather than starting with the single player games and thinking how can we make this work as an online game.

The sad thing is they had an opportunity here to define a new gaming genre (or at least sub-genre) but instead they played it safe and just emulated what others had done, regardless of the fact that it meant the final game only really shared its lore with the rest of the series and not its spirit.

Anyway its done now. I guess I'll just have to wait another 5 or 6 years for the next real Elder Scrolls game.

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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:15 pm

It fits withing the convention yes, but the build freedom and pvp make it stand out beyond ALL other entries to the genre in the last decade.

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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:11 pm

Not sure what you mean by build freedom.

The PvP is just a scaled up version of WARs PvP zones as far as I can see. Its also not unlike Lotro's PvP zone.

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Kelly John
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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 5:51 pm

Probably because of perceived "industry standards" this game seems like just another MMO to me. Elder Scrolls fans must be the most "precious" group of gamers on the planet. Just what they expected from an MMO with the Elder Scrolls licence I don't know apart from recognising place names I suppose? The game is "ok" so far. Nothing amazing and certainly very playable, but nothing groundbreaking or amazing. Accordingly the game will stand or fall on the ability of the devs to stick with it and continue developing the game, and on the community to create a constructive adjunct in the manner of add-ons, guides, mods and social media both inside and out side of the game. A macro gaming environment would certainly aid ESO's longevity.

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Avril Churchill
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Post » Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:49 pm

I hope they dont give up now , game is not in very good position but by their way of design , game has very high potential.
Quests are nice and fun. You dont have forced questlines , you can either help people with single quests or join fun questlines.
They need some design choices , like when you reach veteran rank 3 , you should go to diffrent server shard where every mob is bumped to provide challange. (Same world for vet rank 3-10 to prevent unpopulation)
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