So? Using USKP there wouldn't be any need.
I repeat: Why do things the hard way?
So? Using USKP there wouldn't be any need.
I repeat: Why do things the hard way?
You think that's the hard way, I do not. Our opinions are obviously clashing.
Why? Because my opinion differs from yours?
You lot seem to have a really hard time accepting the fact that not everyone needs unofficial patches.
I don't think Skyrim is as buggy as you make it out to be and I could care less about bugs affecting me indirectly. I've played around 1500 hours in total and have used unofficial patches for about 3 hours, if even that. If I've made it this far without them, why the hell would I need them NOW?
Some of them can potentially screw up the game. . .
Yes, using console commands is the hard way. Installing USKP removes the need to use the console. Install and forget it's there.
Did I say that I hate restarting? I've had to restart the game once because of bugs, but I've restarted loads of times by using too many console commands. I love using them, though. To spawn 50 draugr death overlords in the middle of a hold capital and watch them slaughter everyone is my kind of fun. The longest honest character I've had was around 60 hours. I never experienced any game breaking bug and I didn't use console commands but it was boring not to. I like to cheat, if you can call it that
But did I say anywhere that I hate using console commands? No, because I don't. I really don't mind typing in a few more in the plethora of commands I usually type in.
I've legitly completed everything in the game (everything that matters) at least once. Without game breaking bugs and without console commands (but not on the same character) so after I start a new game, I merely type in ONE command and my stats are all 100, my level 100, I have all perks etc. I have all "starting commands" as I call them in one big text file that I launch with the "bat" command.
If if have to restart a character because of bugs or me messing, it takes what? A minute? Wow, a whole minute. 60 full seconds of going the hard way. Wow, I really won't be getting those 60 SECONDS back. LOL.
It's your time I suppose, but when you take that and offer it as ironclad proof that the patch isn't needed even though the console commands you're using are what the patch is intended to fix, that's where it crosses the line from opinion into debating a fact. Facts are what they are. Your method of play does not invalidate them as such.
@Greed: Heard it all before guy, but nice to see you're STILL carrying that grudge after all this time. Loosen up. Have fun.
How do you know? only because of the name of the sound files? maybe they thought the sounds for the daggers didnt sound good, so they used the normal one handed sounds. i mean its hard to believe that bethesda got it wrong with every single dagger in the game except for the iron dagger..
You do realize these are all MY OPINIONS, don't you? If I say a patch isn't needed, am I then speaking for everyone in this forum? No, my opinions represent what I think. If I say something isn't needed, then I mean it isn't needed FOR ME. DIdn't think I had to explain that.
Hmm, it went from me bashing overhauls and third party voice acting (and wanting to know if anyone else dislikes overhauls) to a thread where I have to defend my opinions. LOL. *grabs popcorn*
i actually agree with him. especially the jarl's voice. interesting npc's on the other hand is mostly well done and actually has a permanent spot in my load order.
I've often found when people say 'Despite what you think', what usually follows is not the actual opinion being held.
Well, that's not how I see it. In fact, aren't all mods just that? Gifts? I mean, they're free add-ons for you to use or not use. That sure sounds like a gift to me.
We can read.
Also daggers are not longswords so they clearly should not sound like them. Especially when every other characteristic about daggers is set to be like, you know, a dagger....
This is the kind of thing I'm getting at though. Attempting to cast an obvious fix (so what if it involves audio) as some kind of arbitrary subjective change. The kind of nitpicky silliness that has fractured the Morrowind patch community along faction lines of some sort.
That tends to happen when you state your opinion as though it's a fact, and end up finding you're the only one who thinks those things. Especially when you're phrasing such statements in the form of outright insults.
Hard not to remember considering the crusade you lead at the time....
You may notice the only reason I spoke up wasn't because "I am not using the patch" was stated. I spoke up because outright disinformation is being spread about them. There's a difference, and I know for a fact you're aware of that difference.
What disinformation am I spreading, you say?
Regarding the insults thing. I say that I don't need the unofficial patches and then everyone is up in my ass about how there's no reason not to use them, etc.
"You lot" ? I don't think like everyone else.
I've never liked threads made with the purpose of taking shots at mods. It's fine to hate the mod author. I don't like quite a few. But I'm not gonna piss on their work, even if I don't like something about it.
Nope. The insulting as in everything in your first post that wasn't about the USKP.
You should read that again. You are obviously unaware of the existence of the bug that allows creature-only effects to get stuck to the player or you would not be attempting to claim that such a bug does not exist.
If I don't like a mod or what a mod does, should I cover it with roses and pearls? No, I speak up and let people know what I think of it. It's harsh, yes, but so be it.
Yes, it could be classes as insults, but so what? Are we so sensitive here that we are afraid of the harsh truth? I have a strong dislike against some mods and mod types.
So basically the entire purpose of this thread is to show your hate for the Unofficial Patches, okay, got it.
Theres logs showing the many things the patches attempts to fix. Why don't you show what the patches break exactly.. just so this thread actually seems a bit less of a waste of time.
I'm pretty sure there's a rule or two regarding that. "Constructive criticism" != "Sling insults"
Nope. I don't like most of the third party voiced mods purely because they outright svck. I also don't like most overhaul mods. What I don't get tho is why I SHOULD use unofficial patches when I don't need them. Explain that.