This is perhaps the single most ridiculous comment I've read on this forum, which has been filled with FO3 fan-boy inanities since release. Kudos to you.
Oh don't be so naive, "fan-boy" is the most ill-used word alongside anology, I have my warrants against F:NV. My first few hours of NV were seeing the same ol FO3: Abraxo; Detergent; Lunchbox; Camera; harmonica; Carton of Cigarettes; Pack of Cigarettes; firehose nozzles; Cutlery; animal eggs; China; Cherry Bomb; Toaster; Clipboard; Conductor; Wrench; Fission Battery; Scrap Metal; Hammer; Wonderglue; Vacuum Cleaner; Tin can; Toy car; Surgical/Medical Misc items; Teddy bear; Ruined Books; Pool balls; Pencil; Paperweights; Paint gun; Pans; Crutches; etc, I could continue.
Before you wontonly claim that these are
common items it does not hurt to at least create a different skin. There is something disheartening, for myself anyway, in ransacking Goodsprings to discover a
lot of items are the same as FO3 - if this does not bother you at least follow my argument. New items are commonly quest items, so they're out of the argument entirely. The main
new characteristics of the game are whipped up weapons that look their research was provided by wiki, a massive haul of ammo which does go back to the old FO series I admit; and a few and I stress few new enemies.
So for the enemies:
Yeah I know what you mean. I thought those "cut and pasted" Nightstalkers & Cazadors were weak. Come up with something new.

Interesting.. where in FO3 were the Nightstalkers, Cazadors?
Let me first state this, you both defend with only having stated
two species in the entire game. I will help you out a little to save face: BigHorner; Evolved Centuar (likely a magnified Centaur); Coyote; Gecko;Mantis; Spore Kin; Securiton Mk I/II.
You could argue that Coyotes are just a different skin to Wild Dogs but I will let you have that, same for Centaur. So that means out of the grand spectacle of F:NV we have BigHorner;Centaur; Coyote; Gecko; Mantis; nightstalker; cazador; Spore Kins; Securitons total the magnificent sum of
Now let me explain those your thinking of: All personnel in the game like casino are basic NPC's with a costume (with really no value except disguise and aesthetics) with randomised characteristics with the exception of the Kings NPC hair. Fiends use Raider set-up with fiend armor; the rest really are ordinary old NPC system with a new apparel system. I should state those apparel are attractive, at most for willingly deserving a compliment on anything. Nightkin are the same Mutants really as FO3 with a tint of blue and some apparel skin differences; Bark Scorpions are just khaki Radscorpions; Deathclaws are the same with the exception of Alpha and Mother(which aren't really needed); Lakelurks are just Mirelurk Kings.
So that brings us to those that are in FO3 that are in F:NV with pretty much exact qualities or near enough for this argument, I will work alphabetically:
Aliens; Bloatfly; Brahmin; Deathclaws; Dogs; Feral Ghouls; Ants; Lakelurks; Mole Rats; Radroaches; Robots: Mister Gutsy, Mr (Name), Sentry Bots, Protectron, Turrets; Radscorpions; Super Mutants, etc. While that may total 13, I am being considerate of the fact that I am ignoring Coyotes; Centaurs; and if you are sharp to spot Spore Kins(figure it out yourself).
On reflection I have another point, the quantity that you meet these foes is by and large much higher than meeting the newer foes like Cazadors; Spore kins; Nightstalkers; Bighorners so say I play FO3 without much perseverance and do not toil much in terms of side quests and I continue this into F:NV, I would say that I wouldn't even meet any of the aforementioned; Nightkin; Centaur. If they were going to employ these new foes, they could have flipped the bestiary setting so that the Mojave had more common Bark Scorpions than Radscorpions; more Nightkin than dogs(including Legion dogs, it could work plot-wise); at least tint the Lakelurks a different colour that was a horrible discovery for me.
So that concludes on a neutral level, i.e compare totally dissimilar/new foes in NV to FO3, 6 against 13. 46% of the F:NV bestiary is new and 54% is from FO3. Take that value whatever way you wish, but also if you are bored work out how many items are from FO3.
These lands are supposed to be on different coasts entirely, I'm not sure, 2,500 miles difference?
So no, before you claim to be almighty and opinionate yourself above mine - which was under duress as I unforunately play the PS3, it is not ridiculous.
Back to the original question, rattlesnakes would have been a difficult animal to emply into the Mojave Bestiary.