I'd be happy with there being motives for selecting a faction, but there just... wasn't!
You're supposed to select a faction based on what you've seen and heard about them. Remember that not everything must, or even
should be conveyed through dialog. Sometimes, what you see can have a lot more impact than what you hear. Example: Your first interaction with a Securitron who isn't Victor is the Securitron gate keepers machine-gunning down someone who's crime is wanting to get into the strip. Depending on your personal thoughts, this could either enamor you to House ("He's keeping the rifraff out and building a place of safety in the wates") or make you choose to support someone else ("That guy builds his little oasis on the backs of exploited people and murders them when they try to get a better life.")
And there's
still an awful lot of dialog with certain NPCs (Crocker, Caesar, House) that elaborate on their motives and provide reasons why you should choose to help them for those who absolutely must be told everything. None of them go "OH MY GOD, LONE WANDERER, YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WE CAN COUNT ON!!!" like Fallout 3 and the whole water purifier bit, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I'm not saying the storyline of FO3 was fantastic, but it worked better as a story than NV's plotline. It was cohesive, and self contained.
No. Fallout 3's story doesn't work as a story because it has enormous plot holes. Plot holes large enough to walk a giant nuclear-armed robot through.
Plot holes which a giant nuclear-armed robot did in fact walk through. Compared to the ones in FO3, NV's plot holes are minuscule.
Please try to understand, I'm not saying it was better overall, or that the questline was better. It was just a more cohesive, and personally identifiable story. To the majority, anyway, unless you hate your father, of course, but that's for you and your therapist to sort out.
...Or if you don't like spotty characterization and plot holes.

New Vegas was missing any real consequences of failing to complete quests and of getting on the wrong side of factions.
The entire Legion trying to kill me everywhere I go (including sending repeated assassination teams) for clearing Cottonwood Cove says otherwise.
It's an RPG. It's not supposed to be story-based.
I disagree with this. Some of the best RPGs in the history of gaming (Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate 2) are story-based.