See, this is your problem. People like you, and Dario Meza ,and whoever that poster a few posts above me that said "See, like it or not, NV is the better game" are SO HIGH up on your pedestool that it's not enough for you to enjoy NV more. You want to make sure everyone knows it, and they accept your opinion as fact.
I'm sick of having to walk into every thread and deal with you clowns name-dropping how "awful" Bethesda is and how "great" Obsidian is, and then as soon as someone starts a thread contradictory to your opinion, you start whining about how the other posters are being "biased" and all sorts of other crybaby excuses. It's absolutely beyond childish that your ego's are so big that you can't just let be. Stop jumping in and and trying to "correct" people when they post something you don't agree with it, because face it-your opinion on what the game should be-isn't fact either. It means no more than there's does-irregardless of how long you've been a "fan."
No amount of pouting from you people is gonna change the fact that your opinion (which you, in your mind, have already deemed as fact) on what a Fallout game should be, will change other people's feelings on it.
It's not 1996. It's time to get over it, and yourself. That's a fact.
I've never praised Obsidian over Bethesda, I praise New Vegas, Bethesda is a decent company but when it came to Fallout 3 they did a lackluster job.
I'm also sick of people like you, calling people like us out when you do the same exact thing, pointing out the same things each time instead of even trying to find someone else,
You [censored] and whine about us being biased when even
you are biased against anything other than Fallout 3 because you are too childish to even think of us having a different opinion.
I start forcing something down throats when I see the same [censored] everyday in every post, and it always comes out from the same people each time.
You stop jumping in to point people out for
stating our opinion and we can start being civilized, me, and a number of others (Gabriel77dan, Styles, Smert, Dario Mezia, and many others) have seen Fallout before unlike the majority of you people that post crap like this, we've seen the example, and Fallout 3 doesn't even begin to follow it.
It's 2011, you people never shut the hell up and say that we are stuck in the past when you people are whining about how New Vegas is different, and isn't like what was made in the past which is 'Fallout 3'.
Go cry some more.