Seems like most people on these boards play characters that simply steal everything and kill everyone, even innocent people.
One of the main reasons I never steal or kill is because I always play a good guy, and I can't imagine stealing or killing in real life, so my character in the game never does.
Also, perhaps the main reason I never kill anyone I don't have to in games, is because that's one less NPC to populate the already sparse world. I'm not about to go decreasing the population of a province when we already complain that the cities and roads aren't populated enough. Hell, maybe that's WHY everyone complains about that, is because they have killed everyone off!
Nope. I do that [censored] for fun.
Also, think your post through more before you post. The minority of people who emulate moral rules in videogames when given perfect reason not to are like you. But, like I said, they're the minority. People play videogames to do what we can't in real life. The vast majority of people who played GTA IV, played it like an [censored]. The game is meant to let you do that. You can't reasonably expect anyone other than yourself to not pick up 5 dollars off the street and spend it.
Civilization and morals are systems set in place by weak-minded pre-homohabilis to faciliate their survival in a world full of things that can kill them. It's natural behavior to revert to animal behavior in it's most basic form. People spend their lives following rules they don't want to. You give them a place that lets them do that with no meaningful or physically painful consequences, they're gonna do it.