I hate having companions getting in the way alerting enemies, tripping booby traps etc I love stealth, only draw back in no pack mule, a mod should add the ability to carry more.
I hate having companions getting in the way alerting enemies, tripping booby traps etc I love stealth, only draw back in no pack mule, a mod should add the ability to carry more.
That mod is already exist on nexus. I carry all the items in the inventory without relying on the companions, but I like the companions since Piper and Cait are hilarious and Danse's voice is just too sixy to pass up.
They can be a nuisance, but I love some of the comments they make so it's worth it. And of course the whole pack-mule thing.
The lone wanderer perk was meant for not having followers around.
I resent companion AI, its just so bad........
But I keep them along for RP reasons.........
They're situational. I beat Swan without a scratch the first time. Used Strong as a rage-sponge to go toe-to with him while I hid behind something and 'whanged' on Swan with a gauss rifle.
Normally companions in these games irritate me very quickly and I end up doing without them entirely.
The odd thing is that I find I quite like the F4 incarnation of Dogmeat. I know he's not going to get killed, so I'm quite happy to leave him to distract the deathclaws or whatever, and he doesn't seem to get in the way nearly so much as I remember.
That said, I'm not exactly trying to role-play this one, so it's not my usual sort of a play-through.
I never have companions, it's the only way I ever play it. I do everything myself and all the results are down to me. It's the way I like it.
i beat Swan on Survival with .45 pipe pistol when I was level 18 and Swan I believe is 50........he is so stupid......enemy AI is so bad in this game.
He ran into Piper while i kept shooting him in the ribs, use a molotive once and he went down..... \
Not sure why Piper is tougher than I am, even though I am wearing superior armor...... may be enemies cause normal damage to companions regardless of the difficulty level. Because he kept hacking at her and she was just refusing to go down lol.
I personally like going it alone for the most part. Simply because its a personal preference, and for Bethesda's case, the companion AI is utter garbage and at its worse in Fallout 4. Baffling how it still remains to be [censored] after so many games.
However, I've recently come to travel with Curie for the sake of her character alone and as a pack mule. I always leave her waiting somewhere while I do the fighting. But once I get maximum relationship with her, I'll be sending her back to Red Rocket and going back to traveling alone.
As someone who's always used sneak a lot in Beth games, I've generally avoided companions. Not using them on this playthrough. But all the mentions of situational comments/etc make me want to try some on my next character.
(The whole "pack mule" thing seems annoying. There's already so much inventory micromanagement, adding another layer - moving stuff back & forth from companion - just seems like a pain.)
After a couple of hours with dogmeat, I sent him to Sanctuary and turned down all the other companions automatically. Went solo and never looked back, companions just get in the way, slow you down or are just distracting. I found them to be unnecessary.
I'm not even going to guess where dogmeat was storing that minigun.
I hate companions. Early game I took Dogmeat with me and I was always tripping over him, just standing in my way all the time.
And when he didn't stood in my way or blocking doorways he was in the back making molerat, mirelurk and other enemy sounds and startling me for no reason. So he had an early retirement. Now i just use him at red Rocket to aim at him and see how many attack point I have at a gun I just modded.
Recently I had a mission with Bos member Danse to infiltrate a facility. He just went ahead and begin tanking like 20 synths at the same time....now how do I play stealth if he runs around alerting all the enemies ?
I think quest NPCs are a bit scripted in how they move through their quest dungeons, so a companion might not behave the same way.
I am a bit conflicted about bringing along a companion or not.
It is nice to have the extra fire support, but they can easily get in the way. Many times when I am attempting to snipe my companion gets into my line of fire and many times I have shot them instead of my target. And they often foil my attempts to sneak by. I suppose I, like many other players, are waiting for a companion mod similar to the Skyrim Ultimate Follower Overhaul (UFO).
The follower that has annoyed me the least so far is Piper, but that is probably because I have spent the least of time with her (6 hours maybe). I have not done many quests so my other followers are Dogmeat, Codsworth and Preston. I kinda feel sorry for her, because the 1st time I traveled outside of Diamond City (in the Fens) I ran into a Suicide Super Mutant. It made a beeline towards her even though we were sneaking... I decided to give her a stimpak.
Perhaps I'll travel alone after I unlock most of her dialog.
I love that line. I also like her different comments when I pick up random junk.