So? Enchanting always was god like. That's the fun. If you've reached a certain level, expect to be powerful. I didn't notice people complaining about Morrowind.
I've played for about 15 hours and I'm level 30.... It feels like I've gotten nowhere with the story. I've got like... 5 shouts. I don't wanna play the 200 hours or so that I've got left feeling like a God.
I didn't know enchanting was gonna be this overpowered. If I'd known, I've never even considered choosing it. Now it feels like I've gotta create a new character to play the game like it's supposed to be played.
All I'm saying is that instead of being able to get 100 % spell resistance from your gear with enchanting (making some of the alteration perks useless btw), you should only be able to get maybe 15% spell resistance. Sounds reasonable...? lol. And instead of making your destruction spells cost
zero mana (...) the magicka cost should be reduced by like 10-20%...
Enchanting should be a tree like all the others; good to invest in, but you can just as well invest in other trees.