They announced the game after it was almost 100% complete. Any suggestions we have can't be implemented into the game now.
Depends on what you call "almost" , see Danger Dan's post quoted below.
Some people think that our speculation threads were suggestions and that's all that is needed, but that's not how it works.
There has been both a TESV Speculation" thread and a "TESV Suggestions/Ideans" thread for many years on this forum and I saw many developers reading those threads during those years.
Feedback after seeing the product is incredibly valuable.
Some of it is and again, see Danger Dan's post below.
But I guess they're doing it their way no matter what. It's what sells the most copies =/
I guess it's their game and they get to make their own games. So far that's been paying off for them it seems.

In a recent interview with Todd Howard, he said they were still working on a lot of things like horses, werewolves, vampires, sound effects, etc. I want them to spend all the time they need on this masterpiece.
Yep, that's what he said.