I definitely am. I'm kind of tangled up in which race to pick, but I'll definitely be a mage. I don't think I'll use Illusion though, or at least I wont put perks in it. It's too indirect and I'd rather save it for when I play a thief character. What I might do though is invest a little in one-handed or two-handed in case magicka is tight or silence is plentiful.
Nah no iron weapons for pure Mage. Use a staff when silenced
This seems like a good solution though, and if I can get my hands on some good staves I might take this route instead. It's just, I don't want my mage to be scrawny. If I was raised in Tamriel IRL I'd train for melee fighting and endurance. Even with magic I'm going to occasionally take a hit, or need to run, and if I've never trained for it I'm toast. Plus, how am I supposed to believe I made it to be a master magician without ever doing something strenuously physical, like melee combat? My mage is going to be ripped =p