» Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:04 pm
Nobody else is worried about the P2P connections not living up to the rest of the game's hype? I remember getting Gears of War 2 and thinking what a badass game, then you play it online and it's like 'Yikes! What a POS!" , or Borderlands hyping up their drop in and out co-op play and then guess what....it was unplayable!
Bioshock 2's MP was done by a separate developer than the Sp was, and that was supposed to be a great MP experience. On paper it was fantastic! Even the vids of it before release had me salivating. Was one of the worst online connections ever imo. Game was ruined (mp). Most recently, Mortal Kombat came out, after the devs bragged that the game was developed around the online experience and how it was lag free and this and that. Wanna take a guess here? It's unplayable online right now, and still hasn't been fixed.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is I've heard it all before from game companies and devs, and more often than not, the P2P connections ruin what should be amazing games. Why I'm a little skeptical, but I took Tuesday off of work so I didn't have to wait until I got home to play. Just really hoping this wonderful sounding game delivers and that the P2P doesn't ruin it for me.