» Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:11 pm
TOR had me excited for a while because I thought it was going to have a really interesting space combat section, which I consider integral for a Star Wars game. But then I heard the space combat stuff is "on rails", and so went all hope I had for the game. And after abandoning that hope, I realized I don't have much desire to play any MMO's at all anymore. :-/
Matter of fact, at this point, really any other game is paling in comparison when laid next to my anticipation for Skyrim. I've tried putting some hours into the new Deus Ex, messing with Minecraft, and even pounding around in Oblivion as a tide over. But nothing is even remotely interesting right now. I'll play Arkham City in a couple weeks cuz that'll be billy, but other than one weekend dedicated to that, what free time I do have between now and Skyrim will pretty much be a love affair between me and Netflix.