So you are saying that instead of multiple factions, We'd just happen to unite and form a super-state?
Um.. If i read this correctly, No it would'nt likely happen.
Uhh, nope, not at all... I'm simply stating that as the "game universe" is presented, flies in the face of what OUR reality is based in and on. That is as it should be, I don't want to take out my garbage (literally) in a game, BUT, there needs to be some intelligent balance, as opposed to simply saying: "Well, he was just that
cool, tough, relentless, etc..."That being said, if you set a precedent for people "hardened by experience", only a few (at best) generations removed from those that suffered the most, an "all inclusive, militaristic leader", and his cohorts wouldn't be enough to overcome the will of people educated by the school of "Hard Knocks", especially when his soldiery is drawn from a very small pool of capable, eligible, and if not willing, at least "cowed enough to participate" individuals that comprise FAR less than 1/4 of the available "human resources"... Then you try to condense that into 20 years, barely enough time to obtain and train the FIRST generation of capable, willing soldiers (out of an already diminished pool of males), and you start having credibility issues...
Sure, there will be factions, and of course, they won't all get along nice, but at the point that THE GAME is trying to make it happen, it simply wouldn't. Take the polar opposite of the Legion- the Followers of the Apocalypse (in F:NV)... Even though they are in fact working VERY HARD at improving the condition of life for all the wasteland junkies (a fair portion of the survivors thus far, as it is presented), their success is, at best minimal... Why? Of course, in Caesar's world, they'd be dead already, but that completely flies in the face of SURVIVAL. A human trait so "important" that it was given its own perk in this iteration, even though it simply amounts to a cook book... :down:
The short version- Caesar is no match for whoever the PC is, regardless of his intentions, moral barometer, force of will, or any other "deus ex machina", because (again) in the framework laid out by the game itself, it just wouldn't work, because once he's gone, so is the Legion. Sure there might be remnants who would blindly cling to the ideals he presented, but they would be rapidly overcome by the confusion left in the vacuum his demise would create, unless of course the PC sided with him surreptitiously to gain his position, which isn't an option (in the game) as far as I can tell.
That leaves the player with either kissing his a$$, or wiping him out, with option 2 being the easiest...