anyone else tired for an iron sword costing 5 times as much

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:14 pm

hope they properly rebalance costs. Cost of weapons was too high, while value of other wares (jewellery, expensive clothes, silver-ware and so on) was WAY too underrated.
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k a t e
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:07 pm

hope they properly rebalance costs. Cost of weapons was too high, while value of other wares (jewellery, expensive clothes, silver-ware and so on) was WAY too underrated.

Yes, yes it was and I really hope they change it as well.
Though Ebony (God's Blood according to vvardenfell lore) Daedric (ebony + daedric rituals and reforging) Glass (Valcanic Glass and silver along with other rare metals with uncanny craftsmanship) and Dwemere (anchient dwarven relics) should be VERY expensive and extremely rare.
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louise tagg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:24 pm

It should be like minecraft, where you actually have to fight and really search to find those great items.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:12 am

It would be nice for costs to be a bit more balanced than they have been in the past.

But I think it should be very, very rare for shops to have higher-end gear. Every shop in Cyrodill just happens to have Daedric armor and weapons because I'm a high level? I think not.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:20 pm

meh it made thievery redundant. At best you could earn 10-20 golds breaking into a manor...

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:18 pm

Yes I always wanted this in TES.
Upper class clothing should cost just as much as fine weapons, if not more.
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:34 am

I want reasonably realistic prices. Fine clothing should be very expensive (and look fantastic), plus there should be imported fashions--which are almost always more expensive, too. "I'm wearing the latest fashions from Almalexia or Cyrodiil or Lewayiin or [insert foreign place here]." Weapons should be expensive; let's face it, there's a reason why Medieval peasants carried cheap spears while nobles carried swords. Jewelry should be expensive and for heavens' sakes let me see it on my character! Speaking of which, I want torcs. Just saying. ;)
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:37 pm

whats more useful in combat a sword or some cloth?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:15 am

whats more useful in combat a sword or some cloth?

What's more expensive, the Hope Diamond or an AK47?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:58 pm

Well, weapons were supremely expensive in medieval times so I don't actually have a problem with an iron sword costing much more than a woolen robe or something. I found the pricing in oblivion quite appropriate
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:54 am

Pricing was good in Morrowind. (expensive clothes were more than 20-40 times more expensive than base clothes. Rare items were so supremely expensive they were unsellable at more than a fraction of their value).
To use your exemple, an iron sword was 3 times cheaper than exquisite pants)

What I want is Morrowind prices plus the possibility to sell to the nobillity (who could afford extremely expensive items). Of course, as long as the high tiers items remain rare. If everyone and their mother uses ebony / daedric / glass armor like in Oblivion, those materials won't be rare enough to be really expensive and the range of price will be narrower. (The most expensive non-enchanted item in Morrowind cost 120000 gold. In Oblivion, it cost 4800)
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:11 am

Well, weapons were supremely expensive in medieval times so I don't actually have a problem with an iron sword costing much more than a woolen robe or something. I found the pricing in oblivion quite appropriate

on wich sources do you rely to say that? i doubt you are right.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:19 am

Pricing was good in Morrowind. (expensive clothes were more than 20-40 times more expensive than base clothes. Rare items were so supremely expensive they were unsellable at more than a fraction of their value).
To use your exemple, an iron sword was 3 times cheaper than exquisite pants)

What I want is Morrowind prices plus the possibility to sell to the nobillity (who could afford extremely expensive items). Of course, as long as the high tiers items remain rare. If everyone and their mother uses ebony / daedric / glass armor like in Oblivion, those materials won't be rare enough to be really expensive and the range of price will be narrower. (The most expensive non-enchanted item in Morrowind cost 120000 gold. In Oblivion, it cost 4800)

the problem in morrowind was that at level like 4 you were already filthy rich. i mean past level 3-4 in morrowind you're already a god you have a daedric dai-katana and you one-hit everybody lol
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Anne marie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:06 am

Did you even play Morriwind? I can't recall even being able to land a hit at level 4 let alone killing anything in one blow.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:02 am

the problem in morrowind was that at level like 4 you were already filthy rich. i mean past level 3-4 in morrowind you're already a god you have a daedric dai-katana and you one-hit everybody lol

Only if you are already a MW veteran or if you are playing with a strategy guide.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:14 am

What's more expensive, the Hope Diamond or an AK47?

What's more expensive, the Hope Diamond or an Atomic bomb
Hope diamond going for 250mil
Fatman and Littleboy reached up to 5bil

and honestly this is a game thats one of its main priorities if fighting so weapons are going to cost more, kinda like supply and demand, if this were a merchant game with little/no fighting then yes cloth should cost a lot more
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:11 am

on wich sources do you rely to say that? i doubt you are right.

For the elite, full-body plate armour was custom-made for the individual. Most armour was bought off the shelf and some was modified to fit the wearer. The cost of armour varied considerably with time and place as well as the type of armour, coverage it provided and the cost of decoration. In the 8th century a suit of Frankish mail had cost 12 oxen; by 1600 a horseman's armour cost 2 oxen.[1] A typical suit of full plate harness cost around 1 pound sterling in 14th century England[2] and a man-at-arms in the same period made 1 shilling per day and so his armour cost about 20 days pay.[3] Plate armour was limited to those who could afford it: the nobility, landed classes and mercenary professional soldiers, who did most of the fighting in the Medieval period. Soldiers of lower standing generally wore less armour. -

Armor was rather expensive, and was usually passed down for generations. Peasantry didn't make enough to own that kind of equipment.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:43 am

Meh. If I don't like how things are priced, I'll head on into Ye Olde Construction Set and do what I do best. That's how one of my Nords was able to run around the grazelands smashing Golden Saints with Stendarr's Hammer (which I renamed to BFH 9000). Changed it's weight to 200 lbs, and it's condition to 30,000.

Stats alteration FTW! :rock:
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james tait
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:18 am

I agree that high quality items need to be more rare, and items need to cost more. Also, in manor's they should be harder to locate and easier to get detected, and castles should have storage vaults and such with very good loot (but of course, you would need very high skills to do it).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:05 pm

Well, weapons were supremely expensive in medieval times so I don't actually have a problem with an iron sword costing much more than a woolen robe or something. I found the pricing in oblivion quite appropriate

We need to remember that Nirn is not Earth. It is a different world, with a different economy, and a different culture. Just because during our medieval times, armor was expensive, doesnt mean the same in Tamriel
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:13 am

We need to remember that Nirn is not Earth. It is a different world, with a different economy, and a different culture. Just because during our medieval times, armor was expensive, doesnt mean the same in Tamriel

How many peasants do you see in TES games with armor or weapons beyond daggers?

Not many.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:49 am

How many peasants do you see in TES games with armor or weapons beyond daggers?

Not many.

No, but you still see alot more commoners with armor and weapons than in real life. Look at how many marauders and bandits are out there with next to full suits, and level-scaling aside, even in Morrowind you still saw a large amount of people that werent rich or in the military with armor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:24 am

If one says money was to easy to earn in Morrowind while Oblivion you had to work to make over 20K, then you are not thinking about the fact that 20K in Morrowind gave you a couple high level enchanted gear or one glass pauldren! In Oblivion 20K bought every single thing in the game at once! (with good mercantile and speechcraft skills) One quest in Morrowind asks for 1,000,000 drakes, some of us actually made that much, want to know why? Experience, high mercantile and speechcraft, alchemy, and a lot of theft. Do you think having one million is a game buster? Yes and I agree to, but your fine with twenty thousand having the exact same value as a million? I truly prefer extreme wealth differences and if players complain "13,000 gold is to much for an enchanted sword" then it gives more initiative to go out and find one that is as good or better. For the people who have the money you ask? They earned it (or cheated, in that case it doesn't matter anyway) so it shouldn't matter that they get it at level 4, they just spent time earning money and not leveling. For the point of this thread, I must agree with him/her. Ancient dyes and good sewing techniques had cost a lot of money, most commoners didn't even have money to buy finished products so they bought cheap fabric and made their own clothes. This was somewhat shown in Morrowind with cloth bolts and such, but every one in Oblivion purchased from clothiers which either states they are all filthy rich (then what about the beggers) or some are so greedy that clothiers sale clothing at cheaper prices then they sale the fabric and dyes it takes to manufacture them so that they don't get more competition. PS I love how wearing 10 gold worth of goods counts as dressing nicely, but 5 gold buys a weeks worth of food. Think about it for a sec.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:06 am

Well, weapons were supremely expensive in medieval times so I don't actually have a problem with an iron sword costing much more than a woolen robe or something. I found the pricing in oblivion quite appropriate

An iron sword forged locally would probably be less expensive than silk from China, or a similarly rare, exotic import.

I think all prices should go up, or available money should do down. What's more frustrating is that Bear Pelt = Sack of Flour. I just killed an 800 pound carnivore, and you've been messing around in your garden...

This would be less frustrating if maybe 1 sack of flour made 20 loaves of bread.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:03 am

It should be governed by supply and demand. If you are in an area that has a prominent mining economy, or strong trade with people that have one and or has fought wars and battles or has a security force draining their coffers there probably would be surplus of weapons to drive down demand and lower the price.
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