I bought a PS4 for the sole purpose of playing Fallout 4. I have been on the edge of my seat waiting ever since I first heard the first official announcement that it was coming. Everytime I'd hear Dion singing The Wanderer on the Fallout 4 TV commercials I'd come running in the room all giddy like a huge school girl with a beard and my wife would look at me like I was nuts. And I probably am. Some folks get it, others don't. The ones that don't ... well ...
I've been out of work for quite a while but I told my wife begged my wife that no matter what I had to get a PS4 and Fallout 4 the second Fallout 4 was released. So, I started putting everything on my credit card and paying it off in full every month, which we have always done anyway, to accumulate points. We've had some very major expenses come up in the last year so I ended up with enough points on my card to get a PS4, a docking station with cooling fans, Fallout 4, Far Cry 4, and the new Wolfenstein one on Amazon for $171. I can't even remember the name of the new Wolf one, but it was on sale so I snagged it while it was cheap.
Wolf and Far Cry 4 are still wrapped in plastic sitting on a shelf in one of the bedroom closets and I haven't watched TV since two days after Fallout 4 was released. I wouldn't pay Amazon the extra $4 bucks they wanted so I could receive the game on release day, so I had to wait an extra two days. I'm sure all the horrible things going on in the world are still going on just fine without me being bombarded with it on the nightly news.
I am 100% completely and thoroughly addicted to Fallout 4. I honestly don't know what I would do if I had to go to work every day, which I will have to do here eventually. I'd be snortin' ground coffee and sugar to keep going. Actually, one cup of regular tea does about what 6 cups of coffee does to me for some odd reason. Just a friendly tip there for all you fellow all night gamers out there. 
Man, if they had games like this when I was a kid, I honestly don't know what would have happened to me. I'd be living in a van down by the river or something. When I was growing up an Atari 2600 was pretty easy to walk away from ... but this ... this is almost wrong. These games almost shouldn't be allowed to be made. It's more addicting than all the other vices I can think of. I know it sounds like I'm complaining, and I am, but my God I love it so.
The only reason I took the time to write this was because I have a murdering headache and had to take a break.
Oh ... and now with this new building and settlement stuff ... I am so screwed. Someone send help please. One of those big dogs with a tiny barrel of supplies on his neck or something. Christmas is coming and we're having company stay here for 7 days. I'm already getting the shakes just thinking about being away from it for that long.