I am missing alot of shows now. Again, why should I watch when I will get the recap. I missed Smackdown on Friday, but all I have to do is either watch Raw tonight, or wait till Friday again and will catch what I miss. Also I will see the recap at Wrestlmania, so why even bother watching? They really are not doing a good job at hyping it up.
Rock vs Cena? Who cares, it's not like Rock is going to wrestle, he might get a Rock Bottom in and maybe a peoples elbow, but he will not be wrestling so why are they Hyping Rock vs Cena so much? This is how they should by hyping by having wrestler vs wrestler. Not wrestler vs non wrestler. And why do I have the feeling it will be like Mike Tyson with Steve Austin? We all thought Mike Tyson would side with Shawn Micheals but in the end he sided with Stone Cold, even had a Stone Cold shirt on. I see the same thing happening here, we are to believe that the Rock will be agaisnt Cena, but in the end he will Gladly count the 1-2-3 for Cena to Win.
I am really starting to loose intrest in Wrestlemainia this year. Like come on, Undertaker vs HHH came out of the blue. It should have been built up slowly for next year. I really hate these insta built fueds. So boring and they mean nothing. Now they should have built it up like Ricky Steambolt vs Randy Savage at Wrestlmania 3. I believe that was one of the best matches EVER. build up slowly not in a months time. Oh yeah, HHH got destroyed 10 years ago when HHH vs Undertaker toook place. I guess we are suppose to forget this ever took place. so undertaker should really be 17-0