I think Oblivion did an excellent job of re-creating spooky dungeons. Only real difference is Daggerfall's were bigger. Bigger in every sense, meaning there were some "rooms" that were just huge, with places to levitate up to (or down to) and such. As much as I like Morrowind, and trust me I do.. I think Oblivion did the dark, spooky dungeon better. The reason why Oblivion's dungeons weren't scary, despite the spookyness, is because everything is just so leveled with you. So, you never feel like you're about to do something really dangerous. That's my take on it, anyway.
Stuff from Daggerfall--
Overly large world that you'll only see 10% of after 10 replays.. nah. Something the size of Oblivion's with tons of odd little out of the way places and such. Yeah. Game world like Morrowind where the terrein isn't so general and is more intelligently used. Yeah.

A game world where half of it is a city? Certainly not. For me, that would get boring faaaast.
Randomly generated towns? Hmm. People complained about the "cookie-cutter layout" feel of towns and such in Daggerfall, hence why Bethesda didn't do it again.. and why they did
everything by hand in Morrowind.
One thing I'd like to see them
STOP doing is this deal with the pop-up messages. The one time I found something different when closing an Oblivion gate, is when I jumped into one of them and found the dead body of what looked like a warrior. I was like.. hey, interesting. But, then.. *sigh*.. a pop up message flashed in my face, telling me exactly what was going on. Other times, like when doing Knights of The Nine for example.. I go into a church to see it's under attack by what almost looks like dwemer centurions. Oh! But, then a pop up message flashes in my face.. telling me exactly what's going on. Oh, c'mon now. Enough of that. Don't lead me around by the hand soooo much that you ruin the mystery of things. :rolleyes: