What appear in the image is not a orizontal list. Is a table. Keep in mind that that what pretty constelations are representing are perks; so you can take a look to skills and they relative perks. Obviously it could be done in a most efficient way, but the space isn't so wasted. There seems to be a certain loss of functionality for the sake of graphics, but not so much at it looks at the first pek.
True, but all you can see is the amount of perks you chose for a certain skill. Which, in the end, is more or less useless information. To me it's important that I get a quick overview over my skills when I look at the skills screen. Even though people claim we know nothing about the UI yet there is a screenshot that obviously shows the skill menu and it obviously shows what they mean when they say 'the way Apple would do'.
You know virtually nothing about it yet because you haven't seen it. I can explain what an elephant looks to someone who has never seen even a picture of an elephant, and I'm 100% sure my description wont do justice to what an elephant really looks like.
Just wait.
There is a whole article and a screenshot about the UI. And a good amount of tidbits from other sources such as interviews. I agree that we certainly don't know everything there is to know yet, but I think it's enough information to discuss it without speculating all the time.
Im sorry, but there is NO argument here.
And I dont get where you got the idea that in other games you could see item info simultaneously. You always have to highlight objects to get the info on what they do. Your point that it is getting "worse than Oblivion" makes no sense, since in Oblivion you could see some basic info simultaneously. In Morrowind, you had to toggle through stuff. So you really have no point here,
In Oblivion I could see up to 20 items on screen at once along with their stats like gold value, weight, damage/armor rating and health. All that without pressing a single extra button. If I wanted more information I could simply use the mouse to point at the item I wanted info about and a popup would appear telling me about enchantments and possibly lots of other stuff (with mods). Which is
much faster and convenient than browsing through a horizontal list of items and gives much more information at once.
I cant believe the new debate about dumbed down "consolification" is about how much do we like lists.....and people wonder why the devs dont come here.
Poor devs, they want to sell a game and make millions of dollars with it and now the evil fans who will buy the game for sure anyway discuss things they may not like
that much. We scared them away!
no, icons for very item is an error, but in skyrim you will have a image from each item that actually you can zoom, rotate etc. That was what I applauded not Oblivions UI
And exactly how often will you look at the fancy 3D view of an item? There may be some quests (like mentioned in one of the articles) where you have to examine an item closely to find clues, but other than that it's a completely useless feature that looks cool and eats a lot of screen space.
Not offended mate don't worry. But do you think console players play on some old 1980's TV set still or something? It is 1080P mate, ok not as high a resolution as PC but you can read any sized text crystal clear. The interface isn't aimed at making it easier for console users, its for everyone. They are not going to make a new system that is worse than the previous. I'm sure they tried many, many different systems and came to this one as the best one for the job. And they would't have implemented it if it was worse than the previous.
Complex console games run on 720p, even if your TV supports 1080p. And maybe some people sit half a meter away from their TV while playing, but when I had a console I sat about 2-3 meters away from the screen. And I think most people do. And whether they're not going to make a new system that is worse than the previous? In Oblivion they had level scaling. 99% of the players I've talked to thought this was a system
much worse than Morrowind's. To me their UI stuff sounds like 'Hey, Apple is hot! Everyone loves Apple, so let's make a slick interface that looks like it's from Apple!'. In my opinion Bethesda has often proven that they have ideas and once they're convinced they like the idea they stop thinking about it and do it, whether it turns out to be a brain fart afterwards or not.
Anyway, I still hope this will not be the case here. Maybe there will be a different interface for PC users like some people mentioned. I just hope I won't have to scroll through horizontal lists in my inventory with a big 3D view of each item that I don't care about. And I hope the skill screenshot is just some kind of funky test that doesn't make it into the game.