I'm a little worried about the interface, yes, because Oblivion's interface was rather consolized, by which I mean to say it was designed with console players in mind. The thing here is that TVs often have lower resolution than computer monitors, added to that, you'll usually sit farther away from your TV than you would from your computer monitor. So the oversized interface of Oblivion may have been needed in the console versions, but, having played the ame on the PC, I felt like something different would have worked much better for me, and considering that now, I always play with interface mods, I think I was right. And yet, despite Oblivion being criticized for this, Bethesda made no effort to improve it in Fallout 3, and while the only screenshot we've seen of Skyrim's interface is that one displaying the skill list, it doesn't really make me optimistic. Certainly, it LOOKS nice, but I'd gladly sacrifice the pretty stars for a list that makes all the information I need as easily accessable as possible. Now, I do like the sound of the 3D item view in the inventory, because I can see what an item that can't be equipped looks like without having to drop it, which wasn't possible for quest items, in Oblivion there were some items which presmably had a unique model, but I never got to see it because they were quite items and were given to me by someone or found in a container, rather than being placed where they're visible in the world. But it may be that it will take up space which could have been used to display additional information on items, though that depends on how it's handled. It could, for example, be made available through an option to examine an item, as well as drop it or equip it. This way, it doesn't take up additional space under normal circumstances, and players can potentially have more control over rotating or viewing the 3D view. Bethesda could also put a short description under the item's 3D view if this is done, which I've wanted in the series anyway, the description could tell us things like what the item is, where it comes from, how it's made and such, maybe then we could finally find out what kind of elves made elven armor or what it's made out of. But that aside, I do like the idea of making the HUD only visible when its needed. I don't share in the obssession with having no healthbars in games, yes, they're unrealistic, but I don't mind that, it's the kind of unrealistic feature that I like having because it makes my life easier when I'm playing the game. And the obssession with removing them kind of annoys me because the usual alternative way to indicate how much health you have is by adding blood to your screen, which not only doesn't give as clear a picture of how much health you have left as a health bar, but also makes it harder to see when you're wounded, which is often a time when you would not want to have a hard time seeing because you want to avoid further damage if possible. But as much as I like health bars, I really don't need them when my health is full and there's no threats to my health present, so not showing them when I don't need them sounds like a good idea. In this respect, even if the HUD is as oversized as in Oblivion, I think I'll like it better because it's only there to be intrusive when I'm fighting, during which I might not mind an unnecessarily big HUD that much because I'd want to be able to see how much health I have without needing to take my eyes off the enemy anyway. And in any case, that's just the HUD, even if I have no complaints with it, that doesn't mean I'll like how the interface is handled.
Of course, since the screenshots we've seen so far are all screenshots of the Xbox 360 version, I guess it's not impossible that the PC version will have an interface designed for PCs. But considering that people complained about the lack of it in Oblivion and still things didn't get better in Fallout 3, and Bethesda hasn't said they're doing anything differently in Skyrim, I don't really find it that likely that things will be better.