» Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:33 am
From what I'm reading, I'd have to say I must be one of the few that thought that Oblivion's melee combat was just fine. Of course, I didn't just hack and slash away at every enemy: I used a shield and blocked attacks, then hit with a double-strike while they were stunned. Or, I'd dodge in and out of melee combat vs. some of the tougher, slower guys (see: Ogres). Or, I'd charge in and slash away at spellcasters, who rarely took the time to block. Mostly spellcasters just ran for a defense, which rarely worked, as I could just duck behind something and force them to come back to me when they wanted to attack again.
I guess my point is that Oblivion's melee combat had the potential to be far more strategic than mere hack'n'slash, but that had to be your thing. For example, I never liked archery in Oblivion, probably because I never got that great at it. I only liked spellcasting in some circumstances, because the mana didn't recover fast enough by default in my opinion. But melee, melee was what I enjoyed the most. And, at this point, I have to play with the difficulty slider turned up a bit just to have something resembling a challenge (not bragging, just saying that melee worked incredibly well for me). My only real gripe about the system was that power attacks ate up too much fatigue and were so slow that they usually got blocked.
However, I will say this: Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, as much as I detested the plot-line's endless attempts to make you feel bad (seriously, they killed your character's love interest twice, both times fake), had an awesome combat system. The only problem there was with your weapons and shields and spells covering most of the screen, but aside from that it worked wonders. Just the fact that you could kick someone into a trap, or manually set off traps to hit enemies, was fun enough on it's own, but that's only part of it. In there, the primary strategy I found was to block, then use that short recoil time to kick them, giving me time to get in a power attack (yes, they had power attacks too). It wasn't that much different, but at least I had a use for power attacks in that game. It also had finishing moves though, and had things like headshots or igniting enemies on fire or kicking them into spikes, which made it quite a bit of fun. So, if the devs needed an example for great melee combat, they can always take a look in that direction. And with 6+ months until release, I think they'll have it handled by then. =)