There are no rules against disagreeing, only against doing so in a condescending way. And being able to disagree without threatening another's pride or making them feel like a lesser person is a sign of maturity. Being nice to the people you don't like or don't agree with isn't called two faced, its called growing up.
You don't even need to be nice, just polite will do.
And nobody is ever always right and backing up is hard to do.
Unless they're making a statement like "As the laws of thermodynamics say, you can't get energy from nothing and nowhere"

(reference to a recent thread which probably illustrates some of what has been talked about on this page an the last).
I think one of the things which makes the forums somewhat "stale" for those of us who have been around longer is the disappearance of a lot of the members who used to be around us. For one reason or another, a lot of old timers have dropped away. Off the top of my head, the likes of Lord Nibbler, Rabish, Stormy, HeavyJack et al haven't caught my eye in a long time. Still, with the large influx of members (certainly we've grown at LOT in the 5 years I've been here. Far more in the 10 since HD joined), there are always a few who settle in the gaps others have vacated.
And an aussie who who's name has slipped my mind (I'm kicking myself about it, vegetarian, puffy hair, from years ago), Wierd (always educational to read his posts), wazername (damnit!) from Hong Kong, that friend of Suga (god, this is almost embarrassing. And because I can't remember her name, I can't check if I've just managed to miss all her posts), some of the other people who hung around the TeamSpeak server when that was going on...
Then there's our most infamous member , who 'died' a while back. He was quite a nice bloke, except for the big problem of using a made up character the entire time we knew him. And BoRaiChe, Jaleena (I believe he made a fresh account, may even still be around), and maybe others I've forgotten, who are/were much more forgiveable.