The vegetarian was Entropic. He hails from South Australia and has completed a degree in Bach of Eng (Civil) as of this year, I believe. Sugardrive's friend is JessSoko, she was the one that posted lots of poll one day. She's still around.
Yes! That's the one :nod:. I
knew his name started with and "E", and could probably remember the rest of it any other day of the year :shakehead:. I don't remember a JessSoko (was that her real name, or a different account, or something?), but the one I'm thinking of
did post lots of polls.
EDIT: Army/ketamine addiction guy was Aeden, I think. Last I heard, he was still at Box Hill TAFE (as of 2 years ago...) Actually, that's not true either. He was never addicted to ketamine. That I know of.
Not the person I was thinking of. He's from the USA, was a, umm, can't remember the name or the role (surprise!), sneaky type person who gives coordinates to artillery and stuff. Can't quite remember his post-military job, might have been import/export or real estate?
Maybe it is just nostalgia but I liked the people who were around years ago and those groups more than the majority of new people who are around now.
Yeah, I really miss a lot of those people

. But the past couple of years has a natural disadvantage when compared to the five before them, since the longer period gives more opportunities to get to know more people, and more time spent with them :shrug:. A couple other people I miss are Dramatical and Anghardel.