Anybody? I thought necromancy was going to be sweet, because we wouldn't have to rely on some silly staff to reanimate the dead...we can use spells! z0mg! But half the time, the thralls disappear, never to return. But now that we can reanimate the dead, we can't conjure dead out of thin air. What the hell??? Why can't I summon skeletons anymore? Or a ghost? Or other varities of daedra like the daedroth, instead of all atronachs?
And the selection of bound items are lackluster too. Why do we only get a dagger(dlc), battleaxe, sword and bow? Why no greatsword? Warhammer? Axe? Mace? Shield? I *suppose* I could tolerate the removal of bound armor, but that's about it!
It's pretty lame that the on the highest reanimate spell, there's still a level limit on it. It should be rez any corpse as your thrall. On top of that, for a master spell, there should be a leveled version that raises all undead in an AoE, like the Ritual Stone.
Oh what could have been...