Anyone up for another round of randomized character fun?

Post » Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:29 pm

This is something I periodically do when lacking inspiration for a character.

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Step 1: Set the set amount to 1 and the numbers per set to 40 OR the set amount to 40 and the numbers per set to 1. Really doesn't matter.

Next set the number range from 1 to 7. A 1 is a point in Strength, a 7 is a point in Luck. Turn of unique results. Count up the total and that's your character's SPECIAL. When picking perks through gameplay, try to lean towards picking perks relevant to your character's SPECIAL, AKA if you got a high Strength character then grab strength-based perks relevant to your build.

Step 2: Next set the range to 1 set with 3 numbers in the set ranging from 1 to 13 and turn unique results back on. Refer to this list:

Again as an example, a 1 is Built to Destroy, a 16 is Skilled. 17 and 18 indicate NOT taking a trait, so for example rolling a 1 and an 18 means you only take Built to Destroy and nothing else. Yes, rolling the dreaded Fast Shot + Trigger Discipline combo is possible and fair game.

Step 4:

Set the randomizer to generate one singular number ranging from 1 to 4.

1 = Indy

2 = House

3 = NCR

4 = Legion

This number determines which army your character supports. Note that for factions like NCR and Indy which offer multiple paths, you are allowed freedom with choosing how to solve each problem. How you solve it though might further be restricted a bit by step 5 below, in that an evil character for example is less likely to give a [censored] about Crocker's concerns with talking to Moore about the Kings, whereas a Good character is more likely to hear the Khans out under Indy or work out a truce with the NCR.

Step 5:

Set the randomizer to generate one singular number from 1 to 3.

1 = Good

2 = Neutral

3 = Evil

This determines your character's general attitude and karma. This does not need to be played to an extreme where you character is stupidly evil in every single manner to the point where they betray even their own faction, but does guide how you play them, which dialog options they tend to be drawn to and which level 50 perk they're capable of getting. You are giving leniency though in the sense that, for example, an evil character doesn't have to be a dike to his own faction members just because he's evil. Prime example: let's say you roll NCR and the NCR asks you to get friendly with the Boomers. No, you do not go and kill the Boomers just "cuz evil," nor do you send Janet to her death by lying to her and saying the Boomers expect her "cuz evil." You CAN, but you are not required to. In that scenario your faction alliance conflicts with your moral alignment, and evil =/= automatically hates everything. Evil still potentially looks out for it's own kind. Evil would however suggest that your character is less likely to do charitable work unless it somehow benefits them.

Step 6 (Optional):

Set the Randomizer to generate one number with the range being 1 to 2.

1 = Male

2 = Female

Optional since I can understand some people might prefer to play a gender they relate to better.

Step 7 (Optional):

Set the Randomizer to generate a number between 1 and 4.

1 = African American

2 = Asian

3 = Caucasian
4 = Hispanic

Optional since obviously some people enjoy designing their characters as they see fit.

Step 8 (Optional):

Set the randomizer to generate a number between 1 and 10. This determines the character preset face you use. You're also allowed to hit the randomize button once after selecting your preset (do it after as that preset does sway what the appearance is based off of) to further randomize it all. Optional for obvious reasons.

Step 9 (Optional):

Use that to pick a name. You can choose if you just want a first name or what and you're allowed to filter for the gender you rolled. Do not filter the category.

Now what???

Play that character. :D If you're like me? Dead-is-Dead that character and see just how far your randomized stats can take you. You're allowed to pick any perk available to the character setup you rolled, but again, try to stress ones related to your tag skills, AKA a character that rolled Speech should consider getting Terrifying Presense. Likewise, a high Luck character should consider taking Luck-based perks.

Also, post what you rolled. It's always interesting to see just how bad or good people's luck is, and sometimes the worst-looking characters result in the best kinds of playthroughs.

Here's mine as an example, and yes I think I lucked out pretty damned hard:

So just as an example, I might take this basic outline and decide she's a good character who wants to help, but as a House aligned character who has Barter tagged, she would be more inclined to sympathize with a character like Hildern during that quest, divert Helios One Power to the Strip or save the NCR farmlands rather than reroute power to save some potential vault survivors. She might also be the type to handle things systematically with little compassion for things outside of her system of things, due to somewhat low charisma and therefore somewhat limited personability and understanding. Overall though she seeks to do good and might be the type to help out the Followers, she just might have limited compassion and may not believe in PURE charity, offering good helpful work as long as cash is exchanged as she views trade as a good, fair system that all should take part in for a more harmonious Mojave.

That's just an example of what I might do with those stats, you're free to be as strict or liberal with the outline as you please.

Anyways, off to play this character. Hope some of you join in and hope you have fun aswell. :P

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