I don't know. Do they play their own games?
Ok, ok. Lets stop this before we get our posts deleted, guys
Where are my Egg Brothers?!
We need to defend against the Neko lovers!
According to Todd Howard in https://youtu.be/7awkYKbKHik?t=756 yes, they do. The whole speech is pretty interesting, I think, if anybody has never watched it before. It is a small glimpse into the thinking behind Bethesda's games.
Didn′t watch all of it but pretty interesting stuff there.
Though I don′t know why I thought the voice sounded female at first.... Sorry, Todd
Of course they read our posts.. It's in their contract that every single bethesda employee has to read every single thing on the forums. They then get quizzed by the forum master general moderator... if they fail the quiz they don't get a paycheck that month.
Styles was perhaps too literal, especially considering Jason Bergman once frequented these fine forums.
But Bethesda's presence is relatively impalpable, especially in contrast to Obsidian's, who were under no obligation to provide such a dialogue.
In my time here i've seen the 'verbosity' of a single sentence, or a well-intended quip (sort of like this) at most from a BGS developer a handful of times.
Josh Sawyer alone was far more prolific on his own, with a lesser obligation (if any).
*pointless rant over*
As frustrating as it is, I can understand why Beth devs may not engage fans and the general public in back and forth convo. The way people are now, one question would lead to a hundred more questions. Literally every single response from a dev would get blown out of proportion, re posted all over social media, and taken to the extreme. They wouldn't be able to get a word out edge wise, which is probably why they'll do one on one interviews and release trailers instead.
I am already a while on this forum and yes while in preperation for a game you won't see anyone from the devs talking with the community. It makes sense since the forum is also used that people can vent steam and it isn't always healthy or motivating to read here. But after release often people from the dev team show up in the modding section. It's not so often that I wish for but I recognized it after the release of FO3 & Skyrim.
About Obsidians showing up... I am not so happy about it because promises where made in the forum that Obsidian couldn't keep and yes I am still angry about it.
1 There's going to be a gamut of responses, positive to vitriolic across all media outlets and forums that promulgate opinion.I don't think omitting this forum from that source of feedback because it might be demoralizing is permissible and it even seems fatuous.Not all feedback is positive, and is chiefly at it's best when it's not abjectly ingratiating
2 I'm reminded of this wonderful aphorism by Nietzsche; "Crude men who feel themselves insulted tend to assess the degree of insult as high as possible, and talk about the offense in greatly exaggerated language, only so they can revel to their heart's content in the aroused feelings of hatred and revenge."
It's cold and there are wolves after me.
still, no response =/= not listing, beth is well aware of our feedback as it is without having to adress them directly, which in my mind shows good integrity, to many devs bend and break to try and appease there fanbase and ironically end up damaging the quality of the final product rather then improving it.
Negative feedback, aka constructive criticism, should always be valued above praise and adoration.
Unfortunately, I rarely see criticism on here that's constructive.
I have an question, is it just random luck that the vault doors look a lot like the Bethesda logo?
made more confusing that Bethesda has two logos, the square used in ESO and the cog used in Fallout.
lol, trying to fish for Fallout 4 info via some elaborate use of a simple question?
Vault doors were made by an entirely different company.
And there are TWO Bethesda's.
1. Bethesda Softworks, the publishing company, which has the square logo.
2. Bethesda Game Studios, the developing company, which has the cog logo.
Same with Morrowind, we forum members made Khajiit and Argonias playable.
Yea you have idiots, the [censored] storm after they shown an knight with an drawn sword on a horse as an concept image in Oblivion might be part of the reason why they announces games late.
Small devoted community. Sure makes sense to talk with them, espescially if they are eagerly awaiting what is coming. But sadly for games that are sold in millions this isn't true anymore. It goes even that far that some people deciede to damage the game that is in the works as much as possible as actually happend. That's the point where you better don't talk with them anymore.
Also as a author of not so unpopular mods I began to understand that the feedback (as well meant as it is) actually often pushes you in the wrong direction and actually hinders more as it helps. Was a hard lesson to learn.