which ultimately was still due to the skill and dedication of the devs, they made the game awesome, not the fanbase.
which ultimately was still due to the skill and dedication of the devs, they made the game awesome, not the fanbase.
Yes, I personally thought these forums were a pretty nasty place when I joined. I hung around for a few weeks and then left. I just couldn't take all the hate Morrowind was getting. It was poisoning my love for the game.
I came back the day they announced the Tribunal expansion (August? September?) The tone on the forums was already a bit more civilized by then.
Interesting. I just hope Gstaff thinks we′re cool so he doesn′t sit and cry in the corner somewhere...
I see plenty of constructive criticism regarding Bethesda's design choices. Unfortunately, a lot of it seems drowned out by people just heaping blind praise towards Bethesda that just says things like "This game looks awesome!" without going into any specifics that might help them improve things, or it gets drowned out by people insulting those who voiced displeasure with design choices.
Yeah and there are the people who write when talked about the popularity of Beth games that write "even flies eat... " too.
I don't think that the praisers are a reason why developers don't show up in the forum.
I see more "dumbing down" comments than actual constructive criticism.
i like too Drive this point Home more todd has stated after e3 thats this massive game is being created buy BGS is staffed but alittle over 100 people
they hired about 8 people since skyrim.
people have brought up CD Projekt RED for infomation about 230 employees are working for them.
for me if they never post here thats fine i rather them work on games they do extreme amount of work for 100+ people.
That's what happens, and probably why they don't hang out more often. People just gang up on them and start asking questions that they cannot actually answer without permission or are prevented by because of policy of discussing a product before release.
Like with movies and books. You get teasers, trailers and whatnot, but not complete rundowns.
Me too. That must be a pretty thankless job, so here's a Gstaff, if you're reading this.
And the W2 forum still had a contingent of lunatics giving opinions that could only be ignored, just like most gaming forums.
(Additional thought - I'd imagine that Kickstarter project games will, by their very nature, have a more involved dev/playerbase community.)
Posts removed.
Discussing other member's accounts and/or bans is not allowed. That's the stuff we deal with in private, and no need to be brought onto the forum.
That's to be expected since in a Kickstarter, the player base, especially those who help fund the project are akin to shareholders.
As someone who was in on the W2 kickstarter, I can honestly say I never even read the W2 forums ( Actually I had no idea they even had any untill just now)
We definitely read through the posts. Good and bad. I personally enjoy reading your reactions and theories There are a few reasons you might not see us responding, the first and main reason is that were all pretty swamped right now trying to wrap things up. The second is that we are not allowed to really comment on much that you guys dont already know about. This may seem like a bad thing but honestly, we get too excited and we might spoil something for you guys and we really dont want to do that. Finally, for me anyway, is that I hesitate posting around because there is always the chance that something is misinterpreted and people get upset and yada yada, then you all would hate my guts because of something that was misunderstood and you wont love me anymore
. That would svck. Seriously though, you guys rock and we really do appreciate your comments, support and feedback.
I will give you one spoiler bit of information though.... there are guns in this game..
Thanks a lot for responding, vsions. Nice of you to take the time to do it