Every company handles engagement with fans differently. Your definition of "shameful" is something you need to work out for yourself.
Gstaff is a Bethesda Employee.
That said, I have never known Bethesda to just "come chat" -shrug-
Over the years Have gotten accustomed to their way.. It is frustrating ..
I do believe these forums are read.. That is what the moderators are for.
The moderators are NOT Bethesda Employees though.. As far as I know..
Statements are made when they feel they need to, such as the statement about mods being ONLY for xbox1 and fallout 4 and not other Bethesda games.
I also do not see their lack of communication with thousands of fans , daily, as shameful.
It is just the way they do things.
I know this company. I have modded for this company.. I do not "justify" anyone elses behavior other than my own.
They are grown men and women.. They can speak for themselves.. I do not need to speak for them.
CD:Projeckt red is a new company.. Eagar to make their spot in the gaming world..
Bethesda has been around for a long time.. Also they are busy right now..
Do you want them to carry on making Fallout 4 or come here and chit chat with you?
Any Bethesda Employee should have that under their name..
I don't believe they "hide" to make things better than they are.. if that is what you are saying.
Last time I saw a Dev come on to be social, he got bombarded with a million questions. Very very specific questions, and in it's entirety, everyone just wanted to know EVERYTHING, and the guy could not get a word in edgewise.
Let the game speak for them. They don't need to make small talk with us on the forums.
True, but even a FO dev needs a break. Don't want them to drop dead from fatigue or get completely burned out. Some people sound like the devs need to be doing nothing but eat/sleep/work on game ... and of course you can eat while working.
I can't see them doing that (this isn't BioWare) but it wouldn't surprise me if they start some thread like "Who here likes X in the game" while incognito, just to get some immediate feedback on something they are working on, maybe even some new ideas on how to do it. The forum, for all it's faults, can be a great resource for that.
I have never seen one. After the news of Fallout 4, I seriously doubt they ever read their own forums.
Oh I think they do. A certain level of professionalism would say they have to, but they don't have to respond.
I always believed they make a drinking game out of the forums.
One shot for every "Aliens are ruining fallout" post.
The old saying, "Loose lips sink ships", is a saying for a reason.
Obsidian developers were here all the time after New Vegas was announced.
If Bethesda developers do read these forums, they don't show themselves.
vsions was poking around here a while ago yet nobody bombarded him with questions like they should have.
its all about how you ask your question vsions is bethesdas character designer we coulda had some info on if the player can become a super mutant or a ghoul if only someone asked.
I did ask him if we could export/import faces. He did respond, but it was "I can't talk about things not released", which I expected ... but I had to ask anyway.
Obsidian developers responded to messages, forum posts and even emails. Just saying
Frankly, that attitude (that any Dev that comes in here SHOULD be harassed with tons of questions), is likely why they don't show themselves. Can't blame them.
Again, different companies, different policies. You can label a "potential gag order" on the Devs as "shameful", but that's just your opinion (that you are more than entitled to). Bethesda doesn't owe our little band of forum fanatics anything and believing they do is a bit delusion and shameful in of itself.