is there lag in this Ultimate edition?
That's what I'm testing to see. So far so good but I'm not ready to give the green light.
It would help if someone else would also go and test the edition and report on it.
Keep in mind that your experience with it may vary if you decide to take my word for it. I make
NO guarantees that it will be smoother for you just because it was for me.
Though I will report what I find for everyone's benefit.
On a another note: I have plans this coming weekend so I may not be able to play as often. I'll get back to you all when I can after the weekend.
Please, Please, PLEASE tell me of any areas you'd like me to test or reproduce. I'm playing as much as I can but I'm starting to run out of areas to test that I know I had issues with.
I want to be as through and conclusive as possible for everyone and everything.
And after months of playing only Fallout: New Vegas, Heavy Rain is beginning to draw my attention. So please inform me.